Ok so here’s what happened, sorry longish story coming. I have tv internet package, 15/1 internet. Works fine for month never a hiccup.
2 days ago I’m on my laptop and wifi connection goes limited connectivity. Go reset modem and router nothing wired connection to my desk top also does not work. Wire directly to computer from modem and it works. So I figure router crapped out its an older trendnet so it wouldn’t surprise me. Pick up a new router netgear n300 almost works then cuts out and does same as the other limited connectivity wired or wireless.
So now I call netgear first see if I was doing something wrong, keeps coming up cant find DNS error or DHCP maybe don’t remember exactly. Anyways they couldn’t help said contact service provider.
Get on the phone with TW service, first guy on phone for half hour says he needs to do somethings will put me on hold for a few minutes 15mins later he hangs up. Call back get some chick that doesn’t know what the internet is I hang up on her. Call back 3rd time get a guy and makes me go through the is the router plugged in, is the modem plugged in bla bla bla. Well after about an hour pretty much out of no where guy goes well you know if you upgrade your service to the turbo you probably wont have this problem any more. I go why don’t we worry about fixing my connection before you try to sell me something more. So next half hour is him trying to sell me different service which I keep saying no to. And I am about ready to lose my mind, so he finally goes well lets try your old router and see how that works. I hook it up he says please hold 30 seconds later he asked how the connection is working. Everything works, wired, wireless like a charm. First thing out of his mouth is well good we didn’t want you to have to waste money on a new router now you can return the new one and get your money back, and since you saved money on the router would you like to invest in the TW Turbo internet.
Now I’ve been on the phone for about 4 hours now, went out bought and now have to return a router and it all seems like it was a big scam. So I pretty much blow my top over the phone screaming at this dude.
Am I right to think this was a scam to try to get me to bump up my internet or what I really can’t comprehend what else it could have been other than they put a block on something to get me to call and then try to up sell me. Seems pretty ridiculous and makes me want to drop their service after only having it for a month.