wasaga and mosport

ok everyone last year derek (weaves92240) and my self had a meet/cruise to wasaga beach niether of our cars are on the road yet but we got talking about doing it again if we can get some interest we will do it in july maybe even goto mosport for a half track day is anyone up for this

do it in end of July, or beginning of august. Because then i can make it

i would be up for a track day at mosport, all i know is that they are extremely expensive if you are talking about the big track! but even the DDT track is awesome :smiley:

Wasaga’s the worst place to drive. I’ve been with people who have gotten tickets driving rentals…

Court dates were even sectioned off to specific days for everyone ticketed during the season.

Last year went with NO hitches.

I’m down, but I may be outta the country for this depending on the date.
Let’s keep it small again like last time, it was SO much fun!

yeah nop problem me dan (osad) and derek(weaves92240) went 130 whole way there in a 80 zone even met a cool older lady thats loved 240`s

Except for the fact that Tim is a dumbass and slept in on his own meet.:moon:

As long as you avoid having it on the August long weekend, I may be very interested.

it started as a good plan then derek and i wanted to go but nobody else did then last minute we went say osad and took off and saw the purple silvia but kept driving as we decided to leave couple hours after no one showed up i saw THE LINE UP skyline sr20 hatch etc. so i leaded you back turned out nice

i was thinking second week on july

exactly and when i tryed to call him he said hold on a minute and like droped his phone and went back to sleep or something.

hey im down

okay so can everyone do second week of july? we want to make a date that is good for most of the people wanting to come 20-30 people was fun last year made people look ill make a thread at the end of june with an exact date



I ended up making it didnt I ?

i say we go to my cottage this year and do a bbq

yea im definatly up for this again, bbq would be awesome, lol last years plans were so broken, i ended up goin to guvernment and getting wasted the night before, i didnt even go home, just crashed at my buddies, i woke up so late, i thought i was gonna be the last person in wasaga, but when i got there hardly anybody had showed up yet, it still turned out awesome in the end, maybe we should all meet up at sq.1 this time?

but 2nd week of july is pretty tight for me, how about the sunday july 6th, first weekend of july?

im down for this meet, wasaga is sick other then roadside emissions but they can blow me lol.
i wanna seee some fly girls!

second week might be tight i dont have an engine and derek cant get his going yet what about threed or last weekend ? no later then the second week of august then people start taking up our parking lot that we had last time

there was some guy going crazy in his 300zx on the way there on airport road if you are on here its ok for you to come with us…LOL

First week of july would be cool, ill be up and running next week.

Is wasaga even a wise choice, i mean what about that fire? who has been up there since then?

im down.

If you guys actually confirm a date, and its a Sat im not working, i’ll be there. The bbq at the cottage sounds cool.