Washers for wheel spacing?

Do you think I could get away with putting one 1/8" washer on each of the studs? My new rims (SSR Longchamps) dont clear the caliper by that much…

Holy fuck no. DO NOT DO THIS!!! It’s not safe.

Just get some 5mm spacers.

Do you value your life?

Exaclty. One eigth is only 3.175mm. A 5mm spacer should do just fine.

Fuck more money… where do I get these…

An extra 20 bux to save you from losing a wheel and dying? I think it’s worth it.


gah are they like 5 bucks?

Yeah you can get cheap universal ones for well under $20 easy!!
I just got some 8mm ones for $16.

Do not get anything bigger than 5mm on your stock wheel studs though. You need enough threads to poke out the other side of your rim so get something thin, the thinner the stronger!