Watch Crew: What to buy?

Looking to buy an Omega or like watch. I’m trying to avoid retailer because of the price. Is it safe to buy it online through a reputable online retailer?

Not singling you out, you just said the most recent quotable coment for me to use…

Whats there to understand? I know a watch tells time. If you want to buy something to show how retarded you are to need to have your clothes speak for you, then what ever. Buy a hand crafted custom hand made one of a kind $10,000 dildo and fuck yourselves silly if it makes yourself feel important and makes up for what ever you feel you are lacking, physically or personality, then more power to you…

But for christs sake, don’t tell us were haters just cause we can’t justify EVER spending more then a couple hundred on a watch. I haven’t owned a watch since i got a cell phone. I don’t care how much money I’m making. If i can’t hang out at the mens club because they don’t approve of my watch, then who needs those fake fucks.

The only reason I’m planning on spending $1400 on wheels is because they will reduce the rotational mass, putting more of it to the ground. Not for ‘bling’ factor.

In all reality I don’t give a shit what any of you justify spending money on. But just cause we “don’t get it” doesn’t make any of us lesser then you.

Few people insulted you by saying they wouldn’t spend that much, they just said they wouldn’t spend it… let it pass, and enjoy the dildo…

quote for a later response, ps $1400 for wheels is relatively cheap, the cheap set I was looking at is double that, and I am trying to talk my self out of getting a set a RAC’s

EDIT: Thanks cougar for the bump, I already forgot about it.

In response to the statement some people just don’t get it. Its the same reason people do not under stand why dump money into a siqqqvic, except watches have a secondary market value, hell some of them actually appreciate in value. I never said it made any one lesser than any one, it really is just something you get and enjoy and would rather spend money on or you don’t under stand the concept of spending decent money on something of quality and value I am not sure you will ever understand spending money on a watch.

Also don’t bring spending money on rims into it, because unless you are spending money on Volks, Champions, or BBS you are really not getting what you are paying for.

I cant stand the logic used by some of these people. Ok i will try at it here. See what the issue is everyone has things they like and spend their money on. People dont all have the same things they like to spend their money on. Now to a person that dosent care for expensive watches it woudnt make sense. The same way to someone who dosent like art wouldnt understand why some paintings are worth so much. Its not realy something to be justified just a preference is all. But what do i know i like expensive watches.

Easy there big guy. Some people choose to spend their money on light wheels, some on exclusive hand made watches. It’s all personal preference with a touch of justification thrown in. At least a high end watch isn’t likely to get road rash or broken in an off-track excursion and rendered worthless.

Just because something isn’t worth it to you doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth it for anyone. Hell, there are starving kids in Africa that think we’re all retarded for caring about any of this shit. They’re probably right…

On a related note, I just got one of these from the wifey for valentines/my birthday.
It’s a nice upgrade over my Fossil daily. I like it a lot. :tup:

Shutup bitch you just took what i said and made it better. BTW nice watch and i was unaware people over 18 wear fossil hmm learn something new everyday.

lol Yeah I’m a big boy now.

the watch i wear regularly has a value of +/- $350, but it has .25carat of diamonds in and around the face so I understand why it cost me that much. thats the only reason i asked that originally.

my next watch I purchase i plan to have 1-2 carat of diamond in it on a black face with silver/white gold…mmmmmm shiny

I just said more aggressively the same thing… It just seemed like some people in here were getting pissed off when people said that they would personally not spend that kind of money on a watch. Some people seemed like they took it personally when things like “I could never spend that much” Seems like some people took it as “your a retarded worthless human being for spending that much on a watch”

In a way i was defending both sides but calling someone “poor” or saying that we wouldn’t understand, as if there is something more to these then “well we only made 100 and i have a recognizable name so its worth $10,000 a piece” I mean I understand the craftsmanship’s that goes into a fine watch as a functional time piece. Some people in here make it sound like were lesser than them cause we cant afford such things or that we must be poor if were not spending that much on a watch.

I mean has there ever been a forum in existence that there were some people that commented that didn’t agree with what the original post. There was maybe one person that actually made a personal comment. So attacking him I’m fine with :-p

If the original designer hand made the watch themselves… then maybe i could see these prices on a watch.

That being said I use a wallet that was originally in the $5-600 range. But I got it for free :stuck_out_tongue: I actually didn’t realize how much it was worth until recently. Was trying to find shit in a friends room and came across like 6 wallets, said he never uses any of them and I found one that was awesome lookin and he said I could take it… Only to later find out, his rich uncle bought it for his birthday. I’ve been using that same wallet for 10 years, Cant find one to replace it. None of the ones I come across are just the right size with just the right features. But I still wouldn’t have spent $60 a year on wallets to justify the cost.

Yeah. People around here tend to try to build themselves up by cutting others down. Sometimes they mean it, sometimes they’re being an ass just to try and get a rise out of people.

Sounds like we’re in agreement. :tup:

I think you are both gay and want to sex eachother.

NO!!! That never happens!!! Its funny cause most of the people that have been doing the bashing are probably unable to afford any of those watches themselves. I was given shit because i liked the look of a watch and shit if any watch company made something in my price range i would get it and it had the same look to it. Meanwhile the person who has the money to buy a good watch was completely cool and made suggestions on where to find one. World is full of assholes but thats nothing new.

i’m really liking this:

I like the look of that, kinda a Richard Mille knockoff…but then again RM’s start at like 100K

^^^post pics of your band box fruitcake…lol.

a couple more i’ve liked lately, a more classic look:

and this i saw in vegas. totally not my style, but i’ve been border-line on getting it because its so outragous for me. I love the tire tread band and the carbon face.

Ritmo mvndo, Indy Series. (

Jaeger- LeCoultre Gyrotourbillon

wow i hate being not rich.

^^Nice, but that case must be a mile high…