Watch Crew: What to buy?

jager comes in w/ the 200K watch :lol:

I love this pam

Are there any jewelers in the area that specialize in watches?

Wow, I thought spending 700 on a watch was alot…I like #1 though. I can understand why people spend alot of money if thats what interests and matters to you. Its like saying why buy spoon when you can buy rotas, or why buy Volks when you can buy Maxxim?? How about that?? Its pretty baller

:tif: give me a timex and $999,990 in cash

Hi look at me… I’m going to buy a $4000 dollar watch cause i’m fucking cool…


Hi look at me… I’m an asshole to people on the internet because it makes me feel good about myself…
DIAF :beer2:

:lol: haha. whats DIAF mean??

Hi I’m in iraq, I hope I get a rocket to my face.

DII :spam:

More realistically…

im thinking about buying the Omega Speedmaster i wanted to buy early 07 when i got the new job… now with the promotion and raise maybe it’s time.

or a simpler Oris TT1… i live the day/date feature… i have it on my old Seiko 5 and still look to my current auto’s for it…

It means die in a fire.

Iraq is safe you guys got a case of teh MS-13’s dawg.


touche sir

Bing i like your style there buddy. I am thinking my next purchase is going to be an ORIS TT3.

i hate reading an analog watch to just glance at or when i just wake up or am drunk or something…1.9 of the 2 seconds it takes to comprehend what time it is are wasted, compared to digital

i would buy a 150 look alike of a 5,000 watch, i consider myself very cool… unless i go around telling people its real which i wouldn’t do.

Have you bought a fake yet? Are they made well? I’m being serious i have never held or tried on a fake.

I’ve had a fake rolex for 60 bucks from some bum in NYC. Scratch resistant. kept time well…

the only differences where the sticker on the back, the date thing didn’t magnify, and the arm didn’t sweep smoothly it had a little tick to it. Oh and it snapped on a jumping high five :frowning:

i dont see anything wrong with buying one unless you go around passing it as real. There are some fagtrons on the board that are complete asshats about the subject but whatever i like how a big watch looks on my wrist. I cant afford alot in this department i would be a complete scumbag if i spent that kind of money on a watch when i could put it towards a house someday.