Whiny Trouble maker?
I didnt realize we were talkin about you…

The person that hit me has exact discription nick said. Theres gotta be black paint on the fender/bumper she took off mine, and fucked the fender alignment up. ill take a pic to prove it.

Also i have a camra, and a sony hanycam in my glove box for “just in case” purposes. comes in handy for the sightings thread… which you gotta look at my post later. to see what rice i found

post the pics here just incase

Nick’s taking stuff way too personal. He can’t ever take a joke online. He needs to calm down, and stop drinking Whinaken.

It’s very personal? I’m scared. Someone hit your car, happens all the time to lots of people. Hit and run? Did you call the police? If not, you’re fucked and too fucking stupid for your own good. Most insurance companies won’t cover a hit and run accident if there was no police report.

yes i called the police. I have a police report.

I hope someone can find her :headbang

She isn’t going to get a felony for that. :confused

Leaving the scene of an accident is not a felony. Leaving the scene of a personal injury accident is, AFAIK.


Some of you fucks can barely put a sentence together so don’t try to be Judges. :slight_smile:

im going to super walmart so maybe there i can get some light to take a pic.

yet again…GROW THE FUCK UP

§ 600. Leaving scene of an incident without reporting. 1. Property
damage. a. Any person operating a motor vehicle who, knowing or having
cause to know that damage has been caused to the real property or to the
personal property, not including animals, of another, due to an incident
involving the motor vehicle operated by such person shall, before
leaving the place where the damage occurred, stop, exhibit his or her
license and insurance identification card for such vehicle, when such
card is required pursuant to articles six and eight of this chapter, and
give his or her name, residence, including street and number, insurance
carrier and insurance identification information including but not
limited to the number and effective dates of said individual’s insurance
policy, and license number to the party sustaining the damage, or in
case the person sustaining the damage is not present at the place where
the damage occurred then he or she shall report the same as soon as
physically able to the nearest police station, or judicial officer.
b. It shall be the duty of any member of a law enforcement agency who
is at the scene of the accident to request the said operator or
operators of the motor vehicles, when physically capable of doing so, to
exchange the information required hereinabove and such member of a law
enforcement agency shall assist such operator or operators in making
such exchange of information in a reasonable and harmonious manner.
A violation of the provisions of paragraph a of this subdivision shall
constitute a traffic infraction punishable by a fine of up to two
hundred fifty dollars or a sentence of imprisonment for up to fifteen
days or both such fine and imprisonment.
2. Personal injury a. Any person operating a motor vehicle who,
knowing or having cause to know that personal injury has been caused to
another person, due to an incident involving the motor vehicle operated
by such person shall, before leaving the place where the said personal
injury occurred, stop, exhibit his or her license and insurance
identification card for such vehicle, when such card is required
pursuant to articles six and eight of this chapter, and give his or her
name, residence, including street and street number, insurance carrier
and insurance identification information including but not limited to
the number and effective dates of said individual’s insurance policy and
license number, to the injured party, if practical, and also to a police
officer, or in the event that no police officer is in the vicinity of
the place of said injury, then, he or she shall report said incident as
soon as physically able to the nearest police station or judicial
b. It shall be the duty of any member of a law enforcement agency who
is at the scene of the accident to request the said operator or
operators of the motor vehicles, when physically capable of doing so, to
exchange the information required hereinabove and such member of a law
enforcement agency shall assist such operator or operators in making
such exchange of information in a reasonable and harmonious manner.
c. A violation of the provisions of paragraph a of this subdivision
resulting solely from the failure of an operator to exhibit his or her
license and insurance identification card for the vehicle or exchange
the information required in such paragraph shall constitute a class B
misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than two hundred fifty nor
more than five hundred dollars in addition to any other penalties
provided by law. Any subsequent such violation shall constitute a class
A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than five hundred nor
more than one thousand dollars in addition to any other penalties
provided by law. Any violation of the provisions of paragraph a of this
subdivision, other than for the mere failure of an operator to exhibit
his or her license and insurance identification card for such vehicle or

exchange the information required in such paragraph, shall constitute a
class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than five hundred
dollars nor more than one thousand dollars in addition to any other
penalties provided by law. Any such violation committed by a person
after such person has previously been convicted of such a violation
shall constitute a class E felony, punishable by a fine of not less than
one thousand nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars in addition
to any other penalties provided by law. Any violation of the provisions
of paragraph a of this subdivision, other than for the mere failure of
an operator to exhibit his or her license and insurance identification
card for such vehicle or exchange the information required in such
paragraph, where the personal injury involved (i) results in serious
physical injury, as defined in section 10.00 of the penal law, shall
constitute a class E felony, punishable by a fine of not less than one
thousand nor more than five thousand dollars in addition to any other
penalties provided by law, or (ii) results in death shall constitute a
class D felony punishable by a fine of not less than two thousand nor
more than five thousand dollars in addition to any other penalties
provided by law.



Ya Srsly.

see… whos the whiny trouble maker?

Two peas in a pod Nick :nono :tong

yea. him and cossey. In the pod of Pissing me off in my own threads

boo friggady hoo… kill yourself.

i’m sorry but its time for me to bust this out, i know i’ve been angry in threads before but you all need to just chill out. Maybe thats just the Captain talking, but i’m currently in a loving mood.

but srsly.


HAHAA the ROFL Copter… thats my fav.