watching Bush speak on CNN and it makes me sick

no, im not the one defending the meatheads shooting people trying to help them.
you are.

remember, you think these people are S-M-R-T smart.

go reread the thread about the guy that drove back to his house to check on it. read the part about children running around with claw hammers… read the whole fucking thing. you my friend, thinking the majority of people are good… bless your little heart, are not living on planet earth.
our jails wouldnt be over populated if this were true, we wouldnt be giving reduced sentences and letting somethings just slip by because there is no place to put them if this was true.
you may be a good person, most of the people on this board are god people, but us good people are NOT the majority.

i may be worse than fox, but i dont lie to myself.