the night the trooper tryed to yank 3 of us, we were cruising along in the left lane around 100mph. he settled in behind me, no lights on yet. next thing I know, he flashes me with his side spotlight… Im like FUCK! pull over to the middle lane, he hits the reds and pulls over the 2 guys in front of me, and as I start passing them i see him motion me over. I got off at the next exit, took backroads home, then freaked out thinking they would come knocking on the door. I had a vanity plate that was easy to remember at the time :lol
I’m not sure if those guys are on this forum. Charlie had a white Evo (IV?) with a cage, and the other guy was maybe named Pete? White STI. Apparently someone called the cops cause “2 white cars are racing down the northway”