Watervliet + Statie = How Bad?

Yeah because there is nothing unsafe about walking up to a car when you can’t see whats going on inside. :retardclap

You can’t see shit on roads with no street lighting with tinted windowz but they look kewl on certain carz so if ur into boyracing the streets of Colonie then I’d go tinted regardless of what the po-9 say, dawg.

So riddle me this:

Why is tint pretty much uncontrolled down south? You can have it as dark as you want. The LAW down there is 28% on front sides and 15% on the backs (while NY is 70% front and back for cars). But cops for the most part don’t bother you unless you are really f’in off. I drove an old hooptie Corolla with basically painted on black windows for 2 weeks and didn’t get one look from a cop. In NY? You’d get stopped a lot more frequently if you had 15% tint or ‘limo’ tint on your car. If NY wasn’t after money, they wouldn’t have set the limit so high which basically prohibits you from having ANY kind of tint. They’d have set it at, say, 40%. Which is more reasonable, don’t you think?

Is a cops safety in NY more important than a cops safety in FL?

Oh right. It gets hot in FL. BS. My car gets just as hot on an 80* day because it’s black on black.

If you think the tint laws are anything more than a revenue stream, you’re silly. Safety is maybe 10% of the equation. They know they can make money off of it and do so.

If someone is going to blast a cops ass, he will do it whether he has tint or not. You think some shmuck is sitting in his car going, “Okay, well, he’s coming…and I have tint…I can get away with this” as opposed to “Well damn, I ain’t got tint. No, can’t shoot em.”


I see fine at all hours of the day/night with my tint including my front windshield which is 50%. Sides/rears are 35% I believe (possibly 30% - escapes me at the moment). And I live in the sticks. Yeah, it gets harder with no street lights but even without them I can still see pretty decent (if say, looking to the side).

How? I used to have 20% on everything but the windshield and it definitely hindered side-views at night.

20% is a LOT different than 30 or 35%.

No one is saying run 20%. But 35% or whatever is hardly a detriment to viewing ability.

35 is still dark, my friend had 35% and I tried to flip off another one of my friends and he couldn’t see me thru the taint

Viewing inside, yes. But looking out through it? Hardly that hard.

You can’t see crap INSIDE my car unless your face is next to my car at night. But me sitting inside? I can see you coming from a distance no problem, even with very low ambient lighting.

There’s the safety factor you’re denying exists… :skid

Also you can say what you want but I had 30% on my car and couldn’t see to turn into my road at night. I had to roll the window down every time I came home. Thank god it isn’t 2007 anymore.

I’m not denying it exists. I’m denying that the ‘safety factor’ is NYS’s only concern or even main concern for ticketing cars with dark windows. If it was such a big concern for safety, every Police Union (not the department - the group that looks out for the well being of their officers) would be clamoring for laws like NYS’s to be put into effect. Fact of the matter is, NYS is one of the most strict tint states in the country…and it also happens to be one of the most broke. Hmmmmm…

And again, I have no problems seeing OUT of my car at night…but yes, seeing INTO the car can be problematic with 30% tint at night. If you are talking about a cops safety, it’s hardly going to make a difference if someone is getting ready to blast him. They will do it whether they have tint or not. Disallowing dark tint will hardly make a difference in the number of shot attempts at cops. The correlation between tint/no tint and the personal MINDSET of someone is hardly connected. This is all my opinion…

Like I told my lawyer two days ago (he mentioned that I should remove my tint)…it’s my personal preference to have it and it doesn’t matter if you guys think I’m crazy for having dark tint. Car looks great and I have no issues driving with it night. I don’t believe in guns and I always put my windows down when I get stopped so the cops can see everything inside the car.

Anyway, this will continue to go in circles.

I think the tint laws in this state are a bunch of BS. It’s mostly used for revenue and not safety. Moving on.

So an officer that can’t see someone acting suspiciously and moving about as he is pulling a car over and walking up to it isn’t any more safe with clear windows? Can you see a 12 gauge shot gun behind the glass in your car?

What are the tint laws in Ukrane?


Not to mention NY state is home to the largest populated city in the US, New York City. Which has rather “extreme” gun laws. So if gun laws are “extreme” crime and weapons may be an issue. Which window tint can hide these firearms from view.

How do I know if I pull you over, there isn’t someone in the backseat with a shot gun aimed at me before I even get out of the car? Put yourself in the cops position.

Too long. Didn’t read.

Secondly, what does Floridas laws have to do with ours? Theres tint laws because at night you cant see out your windows when theyre tinted so its unsafe. If Florida doesn’t think they should have tint laws then don’t. Im sure Cuba doesn’t have tint laws either whats your point?

Its also a safety issue for police. Noone is saying that if a person really wants to get into a gun fight with police no tint will stop them you bafoon. The police will have a better chance of seeing maybe a gun concealed under the seat, or drugs, or a passenger that is wanted for murder. Or if he walks up to the car I’m sure hed like to be able to see the movements of the passengers before hes standing directly next to the car.

Thirdly, for yet more comments that come directly from your butthole…The “revenue” you speak of, very small percentages go to jurisdictions. So if a person gets 200 bucks in fines, the jurisdiction doesn’t get 200 bucks they get like…20. And if you think there is some conspiracy where the cheif police departments talks to his cops and says, we need money write tickets …YOURE DUMB



SilverandSLOW (keyword?), where are most guns hidden in cars? If you look at 100 cars with guns in them, where do you think most of those guns would be?

As for the revenue, I never mentioned jurisdictions. It’s a STATE law. Which is what I said.

If cop safety is what NYS is after (which I still disagree is the case), the better law, than some BS tint law, is to require all stopped vehicles to lower all windows when the stop occurs. That would be the ultimate pro-cop safety move, would it not? Because even with untinted windows at night, when cars are driving by as a cop is approaching…there could be glare/reflections on the windows, etc. Why would NYS do that though? It won’t bring in any revenue if they can’t ticket you for it. Tint tickets to me are just as stupid as the ticket you can get for having crap hanging from your mirror? REALLY? If that ticket isn’t an example of a money grab, I don’t know what it is. I actually got stopped for having stuff on my Maxima’s mirror but he let me go with a warning.

Just about every law is written in blood.

Here’s an example, a cop was blasted in the face with a shot gun. I’m sure there are many many more: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20120617/news/706179917/

And where are most guns in cars? Inside the cabin. That’s where mine is.

But where in the cabin? Within reach right? Probably under your seat or in your glove box?

My point with the location is…while pulling over or after just stopping…you could quickly reach for it as the cop is still getting out of the car and could have it on the side of your leg where he can’t see no problem. Most people reach for their documents just after stopping. Cop wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between you reaching for your registration and you reaching for a gun.

How is no tint going to save him in that case if someone already pulled it out quick and has it at the ready? Seeing in the car will do NOTHING in that case IMO. Unless, of course, the criminal is dumb enough to hold it in plain sight.

I think you people are missing my point. I’m not denying that it’s happened (cops getting shot) or that it COULD happen…but if you honestly thing that is the MAIN reason behind a tint law I think you’re just mistaken. I bet the driving force behind such tickets is fiscal. Same as it is for some of the other BS laws we have, like the hanging things from mirror example that I have personal experience with.

Welp, if you can see in the car and the driver has one hand between his legs where the gun is tucked, he has a good chance to unholster his weapon and save his own life. Which still brings my point up from the last page, how do you know who is in your back seat? You rolled down your window but if there is someone hiding behind your tinted windows in the back with a shot gun, how is the cop supposed to know?

That’s why I said the better law would be to require all stopped cars to lower windows. No? Why punish people with tint because 1% of the population used tint to hide behind and blast a cop?

:rofl I’m so glad I started this tanget.

Mildly off topic but is everyone from the Russian area of the world this stubborn or is it just Vlad and Ilya.