Watervliet + Statie = How Bad?

But anyway, that’s all you were doing is cruising?
At least say you had to take a massive SHIT.

Right. You’re not getting away with any citation. Call Jean Heran (female, btw, and very nice) and explain to her your situation. She gets all of the shift stunters out of trouble for a reasonable price. lol


Yep, that’s all I was doing. Nice summer day with the windows down. I started to pull over as soon as I saw him. No sense in lying when I know I’m cooked. This isn’t like that texting ticket I got a few years ago which was a bunch of BS and cop didn’t have anything on me but found something because I told him he’s an idiot (in more words than that).

I shall call Jean’s office tomorrow. By the way, I sometimes I hate the American language and their dual-sex names. :lol

What song were you listening to at the time of said top speed 787 run?

Piano Man.




Just kidding…hahah…it was Blackmill - Friend.

I actually like that song and movie haha.

No vtech obviously but:

Jean is a woman by the way.


Got it Mr. Rubino.

:lol @ Timati. Such trash.

I think jean is a woman…

You’re drunk right now, aren’t you?

Yeah, had one too many.

I’ve had a 58 in a 30 thrown away. showed up to court with state trooper who is dads best friend,who is the DA cousin boom no ticket.

its watervliet court?

go in plea not guilty. get a 400$ parking ticket.


I don’t have those kinds of connections :lol

Yes, Watervliet. It was right across from the Arsenal, and ticket reads 'Vliet.

and she got the money because mcdonalds kept their coffee at illegal temps so they could keep it out for longer and save money. but part of the settlement was a gag order on the woman so that mcdonalds could spin it however they want it and she could never tell her side of the story again in public. thankfully her family doesn’t have to pay attention and she can’t get in trouble now since she has passed away. oh and those millions of dollars that people get awarded are usually not given because of caps on lawsuits that even the juries at the cases don’t know about. all the women in this case wanted was for mcdonalds to pay for her medical fees but when they wouldn’t do that she was forced to take them to court…watch the movie hot coffee if you want a quick informative way to realize that those cases you think are ridiculous really aren’t what the media tells you.

but to the topic of this thread, what everyone is telling you as far as points/fines is if you plead guilty, plead not guilty, go talk to the da, if your record is what you say it is you will be find without a lawyer. i have an awful driving record and had a 91 in a 65 reduced down to a 71 in a 65. if the da will not reduce it for some reason (i have never known them not to), request a trial and get a lawyer then.

Did not know that about the frivolous suits in this country.

But yes, my record should only have a disobeying ticket on it. All my other tickets I’ve ever gotten have gotten reduced to ‘parking on pavement’ and my incident when I was 16 (when I got arrested) was thrown out/sealed when I completed my probation. Rest of my tickets are tint.

Street racing in the M on 787. That’s not good, Ilya.