Watkins Glen

Anyone feel like going to opening day (Sunday)? It’s $20 for 3 laps.

EDIT: can a mod move this to the “events” forum? I didn’t see it before I posted

Better off saving the gas and fee money for a real track day. 3 laps won’t even get your feet wet really and will either leave you completely dissapointed and never going back, or so damn excited you’ll jump into things the wrong way.

There’s an event in June Mr.Clarkmaster is trying to get people to go to. I’m considering shooting out to co-drive Jesse’s M3. Might want to check that out instead. Lot-o-laps in that weekend :thumb

^^^ +1. Man up and come in June. Details in the Race Day forum.

I’ve been asked to leave the “opening day parade laps” events, they are no fun.

Actually opening day was monday_when i spent 80 minutes spanking laps, then time trialing the next day.
I will post pictures later this afternoon. Beetle broke again on the second day so again i had to drive a friends car.

What was everyone doing for lap times? Do you remember the SPA winner’s time?