Wax for the Winter?

whats a good winter wax thats gonna last till like march (6 months)? Is Nu finish any good?

Any other tips for winterizing?

i use insulators wax


yea, S-238

Where can you pick that up?

i think the old hutchins (whatever it is now) has it. i forget where i got it from.

but thats the crap the guy that owns schmidts on transit/broadway always had us use on his cars for the winter… back when i worked there like 80 billion years ago.

Good thread. i wanna layer a good heaping of solid wax on in like November.

I just bought some nu finish.
I read some good reviews online, they say it really lasts for a year.
We’ll see.

Oh I just saw this.

Collinite works well. I’m impressed. There’s also Duragloss (Carquest) or Liquid Glass (Pep Boy’s), orrrr Finish First (which is available at K&S). They’re durable too. Meguiars #16 was a great wax, and K&S may still carry it. If they do–great. It’s hard to work with, though.

What isn’t durable? Regular cleaner waxes–Meguiars, Turtle Wax, Eagle 1.

NuFinish will not. It’s just…harsh. Sorry :frowning:

Of course if you really want to get into ordering things–Klasse AIO and Klasse SG, but they’re a bit difficult to work with. And they should be put on top of freshly clayed paint. Blitz paste wax is durable stuff. I did make the mistake one time of getting some on black plastic. Needless to say that plastic was pretty white. So you have to be careful.

And just so we have this straight: a thick layer of wax really isn’t one layer of wax, you’d want to put on two thin layers. Actually the more wax you put on the paint in one layer, the more you’re just wasting.

And I’d suggest using something like Meguiars ColorX or a cleaner/polish of the sort, since no wax is really durable on top of a bad surface. Oh, Duragloss, Liquid Glass, or Finish First all have pre-cleaners you can buy.

Well I used claybar, powerpolish, mequires polish (3 step), mequires glaze #9??? then finished with nxt tech wax

I’m prolly just gonna claybar and put on the collinite I have laying around

Hell yeah, I LOVE the Meguires Nxt Tech Wax. It is THE brightest/shiniest wax I have EVER encountered. Its not very durable though.

Yeah I use Collinite’s as well. I think I got mine at Advance Autoparts, or whatver it is. The store near O and Dunn Tire at Sheridan/Niagara Falls Boulevard.

i still got my #16… stuff is AMAZING

just orederd a gallon of meguiars DACP for my polishing needs… gotta get the retta ready for teh snow

I have some Collinite’s #476 Super Doublecoat Paste Wax sitting in my garage… Should I use it? I always thought it just sounded kinda sketchy, haha.

Generally if the paint is smooth then you really don’t have to clay bar. If it’s smooth (not gritty), I’d hit it with the meguiars step 3 polish and then put collinite on.

you guys should sticky this bithch… good info