We bought Yellow Cab


maybe we’ll buy PATransit next.

Dumb Investment.

I don’t know how any cabbie makes money in PGH. Their parking lot is filled to capacity.
see more laidlaw then them :rofl:

Great Investment… They did not just buy a cab company they bought a PUC number that will allow them to rule the city of pittsburgh cabs. They way it works inside Pitt is pretty goofy. Say I want to start a cab company I would file an application with the PUC. The PUC would evaluate if there was a need for my business. Part of the evaluation is public process that allows other business in the county to compete against my idea and in turn get rid of the need. This happened in Pittsburgh when a company wanted to come in and put PT Cruisers in the cultural district. Yellow cab says, no we can do that and puts a fleet. The potential cab company got turned down.

The way Yellow Cab worked the taxi driver would pay Yellow Cab to use the cab and then pay for gas. It was something like 130 a day. So the cabbie had to hustle his balls off to make ends meat, the main way they would make this money back was to do airport runs. Thats why you see a shitload of cabs at the airport but never any in the city for those local runs.

truth! it’s a good move

Good move. now get some more cabbies out and about in the city on friday night and saturday night. We call for a cab and wait 45 min for them to come. BS! and when we leave the bars… ha, good luck finding one.

I never knew we had cabs? Shit I leave southside and would have better luck walking the whole way home before I’d see a cab.

Exactly my point, PGH is not a cab town !
Better luck paying a pizza driver.

BS… If there were more cabs, and they were more redily available, more people would use them. This would keep the Southside from being a mess every weekend night. I would use them to go every where. espicially donw to the Stadium for the Steeler games.

no shit, where did you come up with that?