We need something done about Shannonville

Please help spread this word by copying on other forums like even Motorcycle forums Solo Forums and Go-Kart forums, etc… they need to hear this idea out.

As a part of the racing community that likes to call Shannonville the track that we like to call our home track, the “Birthplace of Champions”, I hope they listen up when we say we’d like to help out so that we can have more events next year and improve their facilities while providing a safe and a rain or shine facility for us to use. It really sucks when you go off track and at times it can be a real unsafe situation. It sucks even more when you have to drive a distance to get there to find out that the event has been cancelled due to track conditions.

I propose everyone that wants to go use the track next year for private, club, or sanctioned event pitch in a yearly surcharge for track maintenance, landscaping and to add runoffs at needed places. And in return, recieve priority and/or discounts on track rentals for 2007.

Those with ideas on how to network ideas, businesses, people and organizations please contact me:
Jover - info@driftstar.com or call (416) 992-3340

I hope to go next year sounds good

This idea is very controversial as many differenty types of events occur at Shannonville which might not want to pay for track clean up and maintenace due to that they dont tear it up as much. However, I am sure alot of drivers/riders who run off get upset about the run off, this may be a group approach towards Shannonville MP management. A group proposal from various organizations in terms of perhaps increasing basic track cost by a small amount from everyone would induce a suffiecient amount of money required in order to have better landscaping enginnered and maintained.

Honestly, to me, this all seems like bullshit, they should already know that a race track is where people drive hard, some drive with brains, some without, some take it easy. A track is where people drive with manners they cannot on the streets. TMP has it right, they dont care about their grass, im sure they wouldnt care about noise if not for the complaints. A race track is a race track is a race track. Where would they rather have us run off ? Streets ? Jover is right, there has to be an end to this. Peace.

agreed. I’ve had many exciting offs over the years.

Yeah Vlad what is with them and their grass. Its more like mud…
I have to say tho, this year the track was a lot better then in past.


personally, I wouldn’t pay any more just for better grass… better drainage, maybe but still not that much… like maybe $10 extra per event MAX. I am already paying for the track… I shouldn’t have to pay extra for regular maintenance.

I like shannonville the best of all the tracks in terms of track layout and how the events are run, but if they are gunna pull that -canceling the morning of after 20+ people drive 3 hours for it… I will not be chancing driving out there… boo for shannonville. LIke seriously, they wasted collectively thousands of our dollars.


shannonville in my books has never been a top notch facility, it seems as if its ran by a bunch of hillbillies.

either way your idea is good but in the end the track owners should worry about attracting more business, maybe this will help.

yea we want our money back shannonville

free track days for son240sx from now on

just a sugestion. drifting is a growing sport. i think with an organized series, tracks might open there eyes if we could get spectators comimg out to watch us. not just our freinds and family but real spectators. tracks might realize that were not just playing around. organizers can collect admition, money froms sponsors, driver registration, food,ect. in return the facilities will recive more money= happy, the sport will grow, we get more track time and events, sponsors will get more coverage. everyones happy. i know its alot of work, advertising, preperation, organizing. i as a person and a business are willing to help as much as i can to try and make something of this sport we all love.
just my two cents.


well it has to be advertised alot more people dont go because they dont hear about the event. …flyers radio etc etc cheap advertising. do that and the track can raise money. and everyone cna have what they want.

Jov …

I was talking (ie whining) to my buddy who is a higher up with the whole regional/HADA deal, and he brought something to my attention.

That old coot that always gives us a hard time at Shannonville?

Apparently he has an unwritten rule.

And I just about shat.

Apparently (and this has been echoed by many other racers I’ve talked to since) unless you bring him a case of Blue (not 50 … I was surprised too) he will be a dick.

And even better, the longer you offend him by not bringing this offering, the bigger of a penis he will be.

On the opposite, once you start to bring him beer, not only will he start being friendly, your rates will go down.

Yes, the runoffs were an issue. Yes, the land turns into a bog. BUT we’ve all seen events run in the rain before, under much worse conditions.

Yes, they were grip events.

But I don’t buy the whole “You driftin’ city folk” causing more damage than anyone else.

Unfortunately the old BattleEndless gallery is down, but there were some great pictures of a handful of cars way out in the bog beyond turn 1, stuck. And with the number of cars destroyed by fanboys lapping in general (remember the M anyone?) … and not to keep harping on the BE guys, but they seem to spend as much time, if not more, in the dirt than we do.

Look at the last event we had at Shannonville, barely anyone went off track at all.

Out of any of the club racers I’ve talked to, no one could ever remember Shannonville being called on account of rain, even when turn 1 of Nelson was under 6 inches of water.



And as for them being concerned for our safety … bull poopy.

Did you know Shannonville has air barriers for the motorcycle guys? Did you also know they only deploy them about 7 times a year for national events?

How many two-wheelers buy it at Shannonville a year? 2, 3, 4, 5?

I was stunned that we were sitting there with more than $3,000 with Shannonville’s name written all over it, and they wouldn’t take it.

Hell, next time kick up a fuss that they’re being racist.

haha read thru everything… im asian… their racist! just cuz they eat more hay and drink fresh milk dont mean that they are superior…

i dislike how they SENT 20 of us home that day when OBVIOUSLY we all were ready to go out there after hrs of driving there and waking 4am


everyone pitch 2 dollers on a 24 of lake port


Lakeport is shitty ass beer. Their honey lager is even worse.

Btw, whats an air barrier?

I’m assuming some sort of balloon like inflatable?

ok i know this is probably embarrasing but


this was about two weeks before Oct 28th Dritf Ops day at Fabi track.
it was a grip event and wet as hell in the morning and as you can see, i went off the track and onto the grass.
got stuck and had to get some ppl push me out of the grass.
the event organizer and the shannonville workers were there and know excatly what happened. they didn’t give me shit nor they had to pay for the “damaged” grass.
i think shannonville don’t like drifting :roll: bastards

well i did a track day on fabi this year on my bike… well the night before there was apparently drifters from son and trust me it wasnt fun for us bikers… first of all our track day started 35 minutes late because the trac kworkers had to sweep off most of the track because there was dirt and debris in the turns from cars going off… anyways the track workers said somethign about they would never let any groups from son rent the trac kbecause they always seem to mess it up is what the track crew said…

This is how I see it.

Yes it’s true running a track, you have to assume that cars will go off and throw dirt everywhere. Whether it be gripping events, or drifting events, people will go off. I’m sure the track owner knows this so you don’t have to remind them.

Now think about the differences between the lapping events and the drifting events.

Lapping: When you go off the track lapping, you are, for the most part going straight and plowing to a stop. When the coast is clear, you drive back on the track and you’re on your way.

Drifting: when you go off the track, you’ll most likely still be spinning your tires in an effort to regain control and go back on the track. It’s not because we don’t care, it’s because that’s what our instincts tell us to do. Even if we’re off the track, completely or partially, we want to try and keep it going. That completely tears apart the infield and throws shit all over the track. AND the number of people that go off the track drifting versus lapping is a much greater number. I know, i’ve been to many lapping and drifting events.

This is why Shannonville and any other track frowns a little when it comes to drifting.


That perfectly shows the primitive lack of ethics in the employment of shanonville. Any event property organizer whether its a drifting event or a rock concert knows that since they are going to lent a crowd of people pay to use their land, will make a mess; hence, they shall be ready to clean up and include clean up in the cost. And if they thought they’ll never have to clean up ? I guess they are uneducated interms of this type of business.

its a track expct people to get off course. the tire spiinnning thing is ture. thats why at tmp we were told to just try to keep our cars stright and break when we lost control and went off course.

or you know, the “drifters” could pack brooms and maybe clean it themselves…

^ I know I did this a couple times @ Dereks Dunneville track days. If everyone (20 people) had brooms, it would take what 5 minutes to clean the track. I even borrowed a broom to take with me.

Maybe a compromise could be made, and the track could be left (at the end of the day) in similar condition to the beginning of the day…


Actually, I agree.

It’s commonplace in Japan to see drifters pitching in at the end of the day cleaning up. 20 guys with brooms could clean Nelson in 30 minutes easy.

I’d be more than willing to do it.

And as a whole, I think people need a bit of instruction on how to go off properly. There is a time to try and save it, and a time to just accept that you screwed up, and no amount of countersteer can save you.

As well as cutting down on the 720º donuts on track trying to get straightened out like a superstar.