We now have our 2nd room booked for the OC Import Show...

Hannibal just reserved his room. That makes 2 if you count my room. SP71 Supra is pretty much a lock, and 1320 and BrokeassKorean have showed interest.

Im the only one here, and ill be here till 12:00, so if anyone else wants to make reservations, gimme a call.


now all i have to do is come up with teh money :eek3:

Originally posted by HaNnIBaL64
now all i have to do is come up with teh money :eek3:

i just sent you $300 :squint:

Originally posted by Darkstar
i just sent you $300 :squint:

strippers, coke, condoms, and booze… 300 lasts me a hour or so :smiley:

or buying a Distributor :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :slap:

Originally posted by HaNnIBaL64
strippers, coke, condoms, and booze… 300 lasts me a hour or so :smiley:


Originally posted by Darkstar

eh it went to bills asshat and i have your money … maybe i should just paypal it to you?

is this hotel on the boardwalk? im oging to take the bike down outta be fun…

what are the dates… i could be interested?

Originally posted by turbovw18
what are the dates… i could be interested?

i think its teh 4th - 6th of june

Originally posted by Darkstar
Hannibal just reserved his room. That makes 2 if you count my room. SP71 Supra is pretty much a lock, and 1320 and BrokeassKorean have showed interest.

Im the only one here, and ill be here till 12:00, so if anyone else wants to make reservations, gimme a call.


prank call time.

Originally posted by HaNnIBaL64
eh it went to bills asshat and i have your money … maybe i should just paypal it to you?

Or just make him wait a year or so for it! :wink:


Originally posted by BETRAYED93
is this hotel on the boardwalk? im oging to take the bike down outta be fun…

nope, its built on a huge piece of private property about a minute and a half before you get into Ocean City. 2 lights before the drawbridge. This DEFINATELY has its advantages. Nobody will mess with your car, you can park it right in front of your room…

its a 1 minute walk to the park and ride, which takes you right into ocean city to the bus terminal, so everyone that wants to drink can do so without having to worry about driving, and you can always take a cab too. I really wouldnt want to park my car on the street in ocean city during import weekend. too many people to fuck with it, key it, or try and steal it. Also lots of cops in downtown OC, so if there is anyone that is underage and decides they want to drink, they’re a lot less likely to get busted over here. In fact, theres pretty much no way you can get busted, cause i already left specific instructions with everyone that works here that if theres a problem, to come to me before they do anything like call the cops.

Originally posted by Logik
prank call time.

PewterSS has already tried…

Originally posted by BETRAYED93
is this hotel on the boardwalk? im oging to take the bike down outta be fun…
If you get a room I’ll pitch in whatever the costs :cool:

Originally posted by 97greengtp
If you get a room I’ll pitch in whatever the costs :cool:

:slap: we already have 2 rooms

wow a nother fucking thread!!!about the same show!!!

Originally posted by Pewterss
wow a nother fucking thread!!!about the same show!!!

u to darkstar!!!

Originally posted by Pewterss
u to darkstar!!!

wow, another post!!! about you bitching about there being other threads about this!!!