Weather 518

Where was my invite MENASS?

Cold enough for you out there?

It was -12 thismorning if it were 40 degrees warmer it’d still be freezing. Id say that’s plenty cold. Supposed to get a couple inches of snow tonight/tomorrow and possibly a decent storm Wed/Thurs.

hoping for storm thursday, going with a few friends to Magic friday. Never been there, hope its good. Will also be my first time on my skis this season!

-17 when I left for work this morning at 5:30.

Magic is awesome when there’s a good snow season, definitely some old school narrow terrain and great woods skiing.

I heard the storm is supposed to miss us now.

Bull SHIT!

good to hear on the tight woods skiing, I’ve been snowboarding all season and I’m to much of a bitch to go into the real tight woods on it. Any trails I should check out?

If you find your way to talisman stop just shy of it and enter the woods between talisman and sorcerer, its not a marked run but youll see tracks going into the woods, great glade with good pitch. Also if magician is open its a fun one, its kinda short but good and steep with a double fall line. Black line and Red line (the runs under the two chairs) are also pretty fun in good coverage.

sweet looking more along the lines of the first thing you mentioned, mostly ski at Gore and there are tons of sick “trails” like that with good steeps, some cliffs, and lots of trees.

I’m reading south and east of albany are getting 5-10". FUCK. GD East Greenbush.

Yeah they have an open woods policy so you can ski anywhere you want so if you see a line in the woods you wanna ride its fair game.

oh shit that’s amazing, I was getting sick of rubbing off the x’s they put on my season pass for being caught poaching trails all the time at Gore!!

2/6 is another $35 lift ticket day at Whiteface. Who’s in?

Skied Pico today, the “sidecountry” was amazing.
Top of the old poma line

Looking up the Poma Line its about as wide as two ski lengths

Once you get about half way down the poma line you can duck into the woods

Then you work your way down this skinny bastard

The light at the end of the tunnel

Yup the snow pack is good

Untouched perfectly spaced woods

You can pretty much ski the entire summit portion its a pretty sick line and its not heavily skied so the snows always good in there.

looks real nice I didnt get any pics at Magic but holy shit the woods there are sick! found a ton of unmarked shit.

hit up jiminy yesterday, there rails and jumps werent too bad. had a lotta fun on the boxes and hiking the park

Looks sweet.

So ANOTHER storm for Tues/Wed?! Phuck yeah.

Tues/Weds- days the Z stays home and I drive an amberlamps all day.

Tomorrow should be a fun drive to South Troy.


Right now, the main focus is on Tuesday’s event, but early estimates could put overall totals from the entire storm anywhere between 15 and 30 inches of snow.