Weather 518

Ill be next door to sugarbush feb 6-10th at mad river. You should venture over.


Yup cold air is moving in ahead of schedule. It’s been a consistent 5 degrees colder than forecast throughout the day. Totals will prolly be on the higher end of forecasts now. I’ll say 3-4 inches in albany.

Accuweathers saying 3.5 inches of snow at my house and 1.40 inchs of rain.

Will get 10" in the hilltowns I bet. Fuck.

Luckily im only about +800 feet elevation.

I still see grass at my house and the driveway is bare.

What a bunch of bs.

Cold air made it to the helderbergs never dropped and didn’t settle in til east of us.

Roads salty?

A bit salty in Niskayuna/Schenectady area, mostly intersections.

Snowed here pretty hard last night. It’s all gone this morning though. There was more on the ground when i went to bed.

It was messssy at 10pm last night, fine this morning. EG got a couple inches. Giggity

Hell the lake effect band it kicked up could give us more snow than all of last night. But prolly not since they die out as fast as they form.

Just got REAMED by a salt truck spraying the goods. :rofl Holy SHIT.

Crap, gotta put bike away this week.

40 degrees today and 45 degrees on the first.


Going to be a whopping 1* tomorrow morning. With a -10 wind chill. YESSSSSSS.

Weather app says 44 degrees on saturday.

supposed to be cold for a couple days, then get warm again.

roads were hella salt fucked this AM<