Week End Meats

only pjb would own a car, a car we all consider a respectable hobby car, and walk to a place where we are all hanging out with our cars…

Ticonderoga? If you mean that, are you down the road from walmart?

lol you know the funny thing i was gonna setup something with the new hooters for weekly meets. But this is an awesome idea. I am down

I’m from Ti, and everyone here lives within 10 min of Wal-Mart lol

Well I just meant its that close. I actually already walked 5.5 miles this morning and Im planning on taking another walk later.

Really though its not worth driving up the street to hang out in a parking lot when I could walk and not waste gas.

And Richie your nuts better not hang out of the leg hole of your shorts.

You do realize that you’re starting to look like a white Ethiopian, right?

Im far from being that thin

Theres a new hooters around here?!

opens in a few wks on wolfs. where fudruckers used to be. A friend is doing marketing for them so i known for awhile now.

I saw this yesterday when looking for country fest info:

I never went to the old one in Crossgates.

:rofl reason why it closed down is that dude sued to be a waiter there and business died because of it.

Doesn’t seem like your friend knows what he/she is doing if no one has heard about the place :lol

Hooters would work, but it’d quickly be infested with ricers

lol has to wait to unleash the boobie fury so to speak big bird. How you been broski?

Im pretty sure nobody wants to go to Hooter’s and have a dude for a waiter. Theres plenty of other places for a guy to be a waiter so I dont even understand why some dude would try to be one there.

Couldnt have been a straight dude.

actually no idea he was a smart fawker was sueing for bank. I think he just wanted to be famous and get a quick payday.

Psi, I know you said every Fri and Sat, but what date would you actually like to start going there? The weather is finally starting to look up, although once the sun goes down it still gets pretty chilly yet.

this could be fun…

would the owner let us stay there after hours as well as long as there is a “limited selection”

When the owner goes home, then so should everybody else.

Well Yeh. Lol I go there every weekend in the summer we own a house on the lake past the fort view inn on the left in that bay (coming from ticonderoga)