Weight loss tips thread

  1. He is following his Cardiologists diet :shrug:… I don’t know.

  2. I’m not a dietitian, or food guru or anything, but cutting out something that the body uses, in order to lose weight seems a little off to me. IMO, it would seem more logical to cut out Burger King and fatty foods than to stop eating carbs. I mean eating a burger smothered in cheese is fine, but eating the bun is off limits. I dunno man. I can’t argue that it doesn’t work if it does, but I think there are better alternatives…just saying.

I went from 359 - 287 (6’5’’) in less than 8 months doing low carb.

I only drank water, and milk occasionaly light cranberry, took a multivitamin.

ate burgers without rolls, chicken wings, alot of grilled chicken salads. ect.
it wasnt horrible, but it wasnt great.

I didnt stay 287 for long. i actually ballooned back up to the same weight about a year later, thru a bunch of fucked up times in my life.

then went back down to the 295 range and stayed there for a long time, no matter what i ate. I gained about 10lbs in the last 2 months. So I guess its time to kick another 50lbs.

I’d kill to be 235. for my muscle / body build 225 is probabaly the lowest i can go without looking like an aids victim.

Ideally id like to go down to like 220 and put 15 lbs back on in just muscle, but i doubt ill ever see that low of a weight.
Pizza and pasta is good. i still only drink water, orange juice, coffee, milk, light cranberry. I never did pick the soda back up.

eat what you want, just screw more…

portion size and working out does it for me

How do you think people got along BEFORE the times of baking loafs of bread and processing pasta? Your body wasn’t built to be processing that stuff. Humans figured out they could process grains and that it was tasty, but that doesn’t mean your body needs OR wants it.

Native americans didn’t have that shit. How many wild animals exist that eat their meat between a bun? Your system isn’t so different from theirs.

Anyone saying low carb doesn’t work did it wrong, as others have stated. You need to take in lots of FAT. I find many people focus on lean protein and don’t take in a proper balance of nutrients. Keto diets work best if the fat intake is at about 60% of your daily calories. The remainder should be 30% protein and 10% or less carb calories. If you don’t feed yourself fat, muscle will be used for energy more than desirable. Muscle scavenging is nasty because your muscle is what’s metabolically needed to burn fat in the first damn place.

Some people don’t have good energy on keto, but this is most often related to taking in too little fat. If you think about it, your body is using fat for energy right? Why would you cut fat out to an abnormal level and expect energy?

Look at the amount of diabetics. Look at cancer cells, which corn syrup is known to foster. I argue that keto is no worse than the average American diet. If anything it’s better…IMO far better.

yep, healthy fat is a GREAT source of energy

They need a fad diet that allows you to eat french fries already.

south beach diet allows sweet potatoe fries

Yeah, very few restaurants have them though and the frozen ones taste like ass. I’m not a big fan of deep frying in the house and the associated KFC scent.

I have a great recipe for baked ones

toss in olive oil
sprinkle with garlic powder and paprika
bake until browned

they are delicious, got this recipe from the food channel

Dan Quayle endorses this.

Just texted the broad and instructed her to make me that tonight :lol:

I can certainly say, don’t eat pizza. Ever.

Ride a bike thousands of miles in man spandex

All through high school and up untill I was 22 I was at about 140lbs, then somehow I shot up to 170lbs and stayed there for about a year-18months . So back in March I decided I was going to do something about it. I did nothing other than change what I eat and how much I eat in one sitting. I for a while was eating 3 huge meals a day and mostly fast food. I was eating also at times just because I was bored, I have cut fast food out completely and it took about 2 months but with really only changing the amount of food I eat I was back down to 140lbs. I have been able to stay at 140lbs since May and it is easy. I only eat when I am hungry and I don’t over eat. I hate the thought of getting fat so much.

how tall are you? you sound anorexic

I love to overeat and eat while bored/stressed. I have given up on dieting(still eat pretty healthy) and control my weight by running 2309479203874 miles a week. I stay around 185lbs at 5’11" and am a pretty burly brah lol. Ran 13 miles Sunday! FML

I cycle caloric intake, I’ve lost almost 6 inches off my waist and lost quite a bit of weight, that plus working out 5x a week in the mornings I’ve put a ton of mass on. working for someone and being around someone all day who loves to do nothing but drink and eat garbage all the time was tough on the old beach bod. I’ll drop down to ~2000-2500 calories a day for a few days eating super clean, and then eat like a normal human but still clean to semi clean for one or two. subway for lunch a few days a week, leftovers the rest. cut out a TON of carbs but nothing ridiculous. white to sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, and just avoiding high carb intake in the afternoons and evenings. if i want some ice cream, I’ll eat it in moderation, if i want pie, i’ll have a slice. serious diets are something that just don’t stick… moderate changes in the right areas of behavior are easier to stick to. using supliments to jack up protein intake has also had a very positive role in my weight loss, guys say 1g to 1lb of body weight. I do 50g via whey isolate and water when i wake up, and 50g @ lunch and 50g before bed on top of a pretty protein rich diet. no dozen egg omlets with only 2 yolks and whatnot, that’s a pita.

I had have the same problem…I’m anorexic at all. I will still go to Subway, John & Mary’s, Jim’s and get 2 footlong subs an eat both in one sitting. One night for dinner at Ted’s I ate A regular dog, a footlong, a jumbo hot dog, double cheeseburger, chicken sandwhich, and an onion ring all within a half an hour. For the longest time I failed to gain a single pound.

Enjoy your lack of knees and or any joints for that matter in your latter year :tdown:

Jusssst kidding brah.