Weight loss tips thread

Stop Eating.

I really hope you are joking.

yeah, running is super unhealthy :rolleyes:

i felt really good yesterday after running that 13 miles sunday, surprisingly. might do it again this weekend.


When I want to shed some pounds I drink lots of water, cut carbs and try to eat more meats, proteins, veggies and fruits, etc.

I also add in cardio and switch it up. I try to bike, run, row and do elliptical changing things up often. High reps low weight get added in only after I do my cardio if I have time.

Right now over the past two months I went from 225 down to 205. I’m 6’ and have always been a burly chunker so 200 is about as low as I go. I can only sustain under 200 if I am overly active and eating way too well to enjoy myself.

That was me until the day I turned 23. my metabolism dropped like someone turned the switch off when I was 23. When I was 20 I could eat ANYTHING and not gain a pound.

This is also true. I use to weigh like 150 before I was 25. I’m 30 now and have weighed between 185-200 over the last few years. I feel like a fat fuck always now. I’m also diabetic (the “bad” kind of diabetes, not the type two shit your granddad has) so I can’t just cut out Carb’s, as low blood sugar can end up killing you (pass out behind the wheel, or just pass out and not wake up again). I eat pretty healthly, I usually loose around 15lbs every winter just because I’m more active with skiing and shit. Exercise is key though, I attribute my gains due to metabolism and just plain not enough exercise.

we also used to ride our bikes 50 miles a day when we were kids Matt… remember those days? ride from our house over to tamarack b/c we didn’t have our lic yet to go ride, then ride home, then go ride again, and never think of a ride to EA from up on the hill. my metabolism dropped after my 2nd heart attack “cardiac event” as they called it in the army… and my blood pressure coming back down to normal levels after getting out of the army and reality setting in too.

Just an update: down 65 lbs

nice job man! that has to feel good. nothing like having to go clothes shopping because everything is too loose.

Nice! Definitely not an easy task…wish I could do it.

Nice! I’m down a good 15 lbs of body fat myself.

Yeah I have bought a couple things but, lucky for me I don’t throw many things out.
I had 12+ dress shirts, dress pants and jeans that were at least a couple sizes down. Once I hit the 80+ mark it will be nessary to shop.
Problem is, I don’t want to spend a ton of money on cloths that will hopefully be too loose in a month or so.

Right now I am trying to find some really big guys who need a interview suit or work dress cloths rather than just dumping the 3 piles of cloths I have in my bedroom into the donation bin.

Nice work! Congrats

Thanks for all the notes and I am not posting ish of here to get recognition, but more or less accountability.
The more people that know that I am working on it, the more pressure I put on myself to keep hitting the cardio hard or not eating that extra whatever.

Also to this point I have still not set a goal. I know for sure I want to break the 100 lbs mark which will put me back to my “best shape” I have ever been, but I still think there is some more on top of that I can cut. More or less I will know my goal once I get there.

Down 75 lbs

Been rocking on the elliptical for about 45 mins (sometimes an hour) at least 5 times a week

Very nice. Keep up the good work, lots of trap holidays coming up

I’m down ~20lbs now… Deceiving though, since I’ve been packing on muscle. I think the fat loss is a bit more.

CKD ftw

it has been one year since I started at the gym with ZERO activity really at any other point in my life. I started easy and pushed myself harder and harder up until roughly the middle of this summer. I had lost 20lbs at that point. the past 2 months I have just done basic cardio 2-3 times a week with some lightweight/high rep free weights and adjusted my calorie intake and managed to finally hit my goal weight of 200lbs. I’m going to see if I can lose 10-15 more pounds and then increase calories and go back into a bulking phase to start sculpting. I’m really happy I was able to hit 200 from 235 a year ago properly.

No joke. But a couple bad meals shouldn’t kill me.
My main worry is working out when I am traveling.