Weight loss tips thread

I’m down 40, another ~30 and I’ll meet my goal, but if muscle mass holds me back from that number it won’t hurt my feelings. healthy weight with a low body fat is better than the opposite.

Good stuff.
Agreed, I don’t have a number I am shooting for, I figure with this routine eventually my body will settle into a number.

IMO, weight is almost ignorable. Body fat % tells the real story. Just a pain in the ass that it’s REALLY hard to get accurate body fat % results.

I agree, BMI is very misleading too. They showed the list of NFL running backs and BMI on a chart and like 90% of them were considered “obese”. Body comp is much more important.

yeah, I met with a trainer for an eval a few months back. The guy was 6’2", 230lb, 7% body fat. I was 6’0", 210lb, 20% body fat … Guess who looked like the fatty and who looked super jacked?

it’s the easiest thing ever to figure out… just put some topless pics on hotornot and see if you pass or fail.


yeah, that’s why I said I wouldn’t sweat if I didn’t make my “Goal”, I know I’ve still got some 'round the middle that needs to go… once that’s gone I’ll see where I stand. My body weight didn’t fluctuate much for almost 4 or 5 months legitimately working out at the gym 4-6x a week, and then it started cascading down steadily and rapidly and has leveled off, but my body has steadily been improving so I’m still motivated.

I lost 15lbs in two months simply playing hockey 2 hours once a week, cutting out fast food except on weekends, and not drinking soda anymore (diet or regular since they both screw up your body the same).

I hope to get into a gym routine at the BAC next week after the holidays one day being cardio and two days being just a strength workout that covers all muscles to round off the week.

going out to eat alot, not wanting to cook after i was closing at 9:30 ect

up 15lbs from where i was steady at with not losing weight. Hadnt seen a friend in a few months, he was like “you got fatter”
So anyways, back at it again. This time i reallllly, want to be smaller than ive been since i was like 16.

goal 235, current 310.5. ive already given away the shit food in my house, like regular pastas, ect.

hello grilled chicken, goodbye bread, hello high fiber veggies, good bye pasta.

I will do this.

edit, this week is going to be terrible tho, ive decided that im eating normal deep fried bird n all the fixings as my last horah.

this is a tough time of year to start a diet…My hope is just to keep it steady through the new year.

Ya they say on average between thanksgiving and Christmas, the average person gains 13 lbs. I personally lose weight in the winter over the summer as I am less likely to go out to dinner, bar, etc since its freezing out so I end up cooking healthy meals at home. Haha.

first day off from the gym in almost 5 weeks… my body is suffering so good. been cycling caloric intake and light days at the gym and getting a good cycle. weight is staying steady and I’m putting a ton of muscle mass on. going to maintain through the holidays. try to minimize deserts and crap like stuffing and potatoes.

be strong everyone, there are healthy options at holiday meals, eat carbs in moderation and watch desert helpings. I don’t drink, so that doesn’t concern me… but getting plowed doesn’t help either.

I hit -80 yesterday and then proceeded to try a new BBQ place that was great and gained 2 pounds. So -78.
Hopefully can get to -80 by the end of the month and -90 by year end.

I had one heck of Novel written, but trimmed it down to these cliffs, if you have questions I’ll elaborate, still a bit wordy though. If it sounds scattered, thats why. Ultimately, I need all the tips I can get to shedding a belly.

Decided to join the Armed Forces in Fall of 2009, was just an idea, am now in Delayed Entry Program with the Navy to be a Corpsman (Medic). No small feat for GED holder.
Leaving August for Boot Camp

Weight at initial talk (late February 2010) with recruiter, 226lbs 28-30+% can’t remember exact, Based on Navy Body Fat Calc (measure neck and waist) , October MEPS (medical screening) @ 170lbs, or my max for 66 inches tall (Current Body fat is calculated around 18-22%)

Muscle50, Bladez, are to blame for my leaned out upper body and added bulk.

What I need help with? GETTING RID OF THE BELLY!!! Its stuck the same size despite exercise increases and such, all fat zones but there are getting leaner and leaner in the last 2 months. Jelly belly wont go away.

Also, working construction meals could get bad, especially with coffee trucks and fast food so easy. So diet change helped ALOT.

Low carbs didn’t work out for me, after adding them back in in some quantities I found I actually lost weight that stayed of and gained strength faster. Tried adding fat in in place but a hard roll with butter vs a couple scoops of peanut butter, the hard roll always won for quick and longer lasting energy gains. Whole Grain toast with a some jelly worked well too. Bowl of Cereal with protein shake poured in seems to be the best balance for my lifestyle.

Will say this though, big omelet with chicken chunks, light cheese, some peppers, some hot sauce, toast, fed me the best. Not weighing myself that day also skews results haha.

Putting this post here like BigRon, just want yet another place to keep myself accountable.

i dropped like 8 lbs, before thanksgiving and put about 5 - 6 of it back on haha.

it wont sustain tho.

I’m goin for - 80 by october next year.

christmas is going to fuck me over on a few lbs, but i think i can do it.

Ive got about 40 weeks, so thats -2 a week or - 8 a month, i think i might be able to do it sooner, idk.

drop off the kids at the pool and you’ll shag half that back off again… food can add quite a bit of weight. I’m down another 2 pounds, not counting yesterday’s meal. only carb cheat was some pie after dinner. only a spoonful of potatoes, lotsa turkey, bunch of veggies, and some gravy for good measure. behaved quite well myself, how about everyone else?

no i ate everything in sight, it was my last horrah.
for dinner i made grilled chicken, and some raw spinach, flashed in a bit of extra virgin olive oil.

Best of luck and thanks for the service.
What are you doing for cardo? I know when I limit the intake to under 2,000 and burn 800 to a 1,000 on the elliptical each night I have to lose some weight.
Coffee isn’t going to hurt you unless you are dumping cream and sugar into it. Also if possible just replace fast food with Subway. I’m not Jared, but compare fast-food with a footlong chicken breast sub.

I hit -80 on Monday then went out to a new BBQ place to celebrate and literally gained 2 pounds but it was delicious. After all the holidays I hope to be back around -80 by the end of the month. Still shooting for -90 by year end.
Finally bought some cloths (very few since I don’t plan on being here that long), lost about 3 inches in the neck, 6 to 8 in pants and 6 in the chest


Ellipticals been my favorite for the long distance stuff (30 mins+) because it puts less stress on usually already tired from a long day legs. When I first started however I was tired in the first 10 minutes at a jog on the elipticals. For short sprinting I’ll use the treadmill or if I want to get a best guess on how I’d do in the 1.5 or 3.0 mile run tests.

Also read about a cool way to use a stationary bike. If you have one or go to a gym that has one with a lot of levels, start at level 1 for one minute, then continue going up a level every minute, when you can’t reach the end of a minute or its getting ridiculous, start decreasing a level every minute. Best warm-up for the gym I’ve done. If I have time I’ll do this before weight lifting, and end the day with some sort of cardio, but time never seems to be there.

I think I need to start back up the running on the “off” day stuff. Cold weather has me not just coming home from work and going for a run or waking up and doing it. So I’ll have to pull the drive to gym first thing, once I’m home, I’m home.

I’d love to plan get to 160 by August, but I have monthly or more weigh-ins (re-certifications) at the recruiters office, don’t want to appear ill-motivated. I know the rollar coaster of weight I’ve been on the last couple weeks is effected by muscle gains. Arms are getting cut up real quick as of late.