Weight loss tips thread

Just remember that muscles dictates metabolism BigEd88, warm up and get the body moving, and go lift. moderate weight, moderate reps to start, and let your logbook motivate you. Pick up a Muscle and fitness mag, or Flex, they’ve got a ton of workouts to adopt, can’t go wrong with most workouts to start. Do cardio one day a week to start, a full cardio day, stretching afterwards or maybe throw abs in the mix. Don’t burn yourself out trying to blow up your heart every day before you lift or you ARE going to crash and fail. Once you can support a full day of cardio workout, throw another in your rotation before you overload yourself. you’re a workin’ fool just like myself, so get your dead ass out of bed and get it done before you get home and crash. I’ve been phasing into dual splits and working out 6 days a week and twice a day 3 or 4 of those days. Have to get back into that after the holidays :fu: and moving into my new house in the next week or two… still working out every morning right now, just don’t have the evening time to spare as of late. Just think about a solid ab workout, reverse curls, inclines, cable crunches, planks, ect ect, your abs will continue to metabolize for up to 3-4 days AFTER you stop working out once you get the ball rolling, cardio burns calories. It’s not bad, it’s just sad to see people kill themselves and miss their goals b/c of misconceptions. I’ve been through basic training, and a ton of others here have as well. Once you make weight by working out beforehand, you’ll be ahead of the game as far as fitness. Shagging off the weight that you need to is no small feat, so you’ll be ready. Don’t get me wrong, it’ll still suck, but you’ll be comforted by many others suffering while you’re just maintaining.

Walter said it best, eat less calories than you burn. It’s as simple as that.

I used to be about ~260, and dropped 65lbs in about 3-4 months by eating less than I burned off everyday (also went down to around 7%bf). Portion control is HUGE. Diets suck and will NEVER last. Sure you might lose the weight but as soon as you go off the diet you will gain it back and fast. Changing your eating habits have to be a lifestyle change to be effective long term.

Sounds like you are on the right path just keep the end goal in mind and know that it wont happen over night. Also get rid of soda altogether and replace it with water if you haven’t already.

Trying to get back on the horse here. My weight gain is minor in comparison to some of the big guys but it’s still a challenge. I need to lose about 20lbs and keep it off. SIGH.

While it’s heavily about creating a caloric deficit, Spam16 nailed it…it’s about MUSCLE. Fat has 0 metabolic effect. Muscle is what creates your metabolism essentially. Build muscle and you’ll burn extra calories when you sleep even.
Cardio has it’s role but it’s a joke when it comes to losing bodyfat…ya rly. Cardio bumps your metabolism for a few hours, building muscle creates a long lasting metabolic boost.
Weight training > Cardio

Congrats to you guys that shed big lb’s!!!

You went down 7% ? or you are 7%? . i dont see a former 265lb man going down to 7% (especially in 3-4months) unless you’re 7’6

Need the caffeine. I cut it down and switched to diet, but I need the boost at lunch.

Ate about half a tray of lasgana, ate an entire box of pre sliced garlic bread with cheese, huge salad, and some cake. Washed that all down at the parents house with 3/4 of one of those big bottles of wine. Then we had to go to the GF’s parents house where I ate some more and had some apple pie with ice cream. Felt like I was giving birth out my ass the next morning.

I went down to 7%. I am no longer at 7% but even at 265 I was still in the 14-15 range.

---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 AM ----------

Take a caffeine pill if you need the boost. I literally cut all caffeine, soda, energy drinks, etc. cold turkey over 100 days ago. The first 2 weeks are tough but after that it’s smooth sailing.

265 and you were at 14-15% body fat? That must have been quite a bit of muscle.

265lb @ 15% bodyfat means you had 40lb of fat and 225lb lean body mass. Pretty beastly!
I can see it though…that’s about the only way you could really get to sub 7% that easily. That much muscle…I can’t even imagine feeding that metabolism. What do you need 2500-3000 calories a day?

Just weighed in this morning and down a pound from last Wednesday.
Still had all my favorites, even pizza and wings from La Nova yesterday. Just controlled the intake and knew if I was going to have a big meal the rest of the day would have to be minimal. Plus some walking every day.
The next 3 weeks I am going to turn it up and shoot for another 10 lbs.

im down. from my start weight im down 13lbs.

i want to get back down below 300 so fucking bad.
303.5 this morning.

grilled talapia and carrots are coming for dinner later tonight :slight_smile:

i cut out soda and started drinking black tea instead for caffeine.

Also, if anyone is looking for motivation, I am going back to the gym routine. I play hockey Thursday nights so my workout is Monday and Wednesday just a basic full circuit that lasts about 45-60 minutes and then gone and tuesdays just a cardio day.

Usually free weights and machines but if someone wants motivation, I usually go to the BAC downtown around 8-9 when its quiet at night.

why cut caffine? coffee isnt bad for you if you dont load it with bullshit is it?

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------

cuz i home brew tim hortons and drink it daily. most of the time its not decaf

I remember a while back I read that a study was done that proved a cup of coffee before a workout will help you lose weight (IE, burn more calories). As stated, skim milk and splenda should be used in place of cream and sugar.

Splenda falls into the same category as the other fake sugars as far as I know. Body still treats it like sugar and stores it as fat. Its actually harder to burn off than regular sugar too. If you must have sugar, might as well be a purer form of it and work to burn it off.

The biggest thing to cut out too is any drinking. Body will burn alcohol before it works to burn fat so drinking is just not a good idea if you are serious about weight loss.

Splenda doesn’t register on the GI (gylcemic index) in my experience. I drank tea with 3-4 packets of splenda or equal several times a day without affecting my ketosis.
Pure water is the best thing to drink but splenda does give some comfort for someone like me with a sweet tooth.

Uhhh, what? I HIGHLY doubt you are right on that…

---------- Post added at 01:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------


Some people seem to have there GI spike from it, but MOST do not.

Ya you are right. I cant remember what the other one I am thinking of is. Splenda is not recognized by the body as sugar and passes through you as they say. Don’t let it fool you. Even they say its made from sugar, its not natural. Duke did a big study on it and about what it can do to you.

Big things to avoid is any chemical or processed foods. Jamie Oliver actually got me hooked on a lot of his stuff and how simple it is to eat healthy from natural non-processed foods. I am slowly kicking lbs with only a little exercise each week and once I get back into the gym, hope to drop them faster.

Congrats on the weight loss! I’m by no means saying sugar substitutes are good for you but they do help appease people like me. I’m not afraid of cancer or other evils…hell I’m gonna die someday anyhow right? :wink:
WNY has such a high rate of cancer and illness that I think splenda is the least of my worries.

Non processed and water are the ideal if you can tolerate it. I can’t seem to tolerate it well sadly.

For anyone looking for supplements, my friend just told me about http://www.dpsnutrition.net

Hes been using it for years and loves it and I just ordered some ammino acids and stuff off there for well below what some other places are. Even GNC with their free shipping, gold card, and coupon code.