Weight reduction aka getting back into shape.

props to ned!

i’ve lost 50lbs as of this morning!! i started my weight loss back in the beginning of march and ultimately want to get down to 200

Thanks dude

50lb is no joke man, congratulations on getting there so far

its not entirely a matter of reducing ALL of your intake… It’s about expending more than you take in.

i dont know. i lift 5 days a week and you cant just eat whatever you want. its more of what time in the day you eat it and in what portion (individually bagged snacks or having some self control really helps this). but yea, drinking water constantly definitely helps even though you end up going to the bathroom constantly. sometimes when people meet me for the first time they think i have ebs. lol.

oh I definitely am NOT trying to say you can eat whatever whenever, I’m saying that most people attribute just dieting to weight loss, and wonder why they dont have the results as fast.

cutting out simple sugars and starches (soda and white bread) along with fried foods definitely makes an impact. when I went to boot camp I ended up losing 62 lbs of just fat (i had added muscle growth). All I drank was water and powerade ( only 1 time a day) and no desserts. I also drank 4 gallons of water a day, and had almost CONSTANT cardio activity 16 hrs a day

I definitely WASN’T aiming my reply at you so don’t get bent out of shape. It was more general about what I do than anything.

err…umm… I wasn’t?? I was just clarifying because I wasn’t so clear. your post just pointed out how i didnt explain anything…

I’m sorry my intent wasnt to offend you or make your post look bad. I dont even think I really read your post before I posted mine.

s’all good in the hood !

Hit 159 pounds as of this morning. Not bad considering the situation of me being a couch potato since the accident, and having my metabolism go about as fast as a Geo Metro.

First time I can remember being in 150’s. :thumb

Congratulations, thats great

yea not eating due to being in pain really does pay off lol jk vlad

its mostly due to your body using alot more energy to heal and repair itself !

hooooo my god! Go to McDonalds man. Get yourself 8 double cheeseburgers and french fries ASAP.

<— 5’10, 220lbs. I was 184lbs in college… couldve been a 32" waist but I had muscular legs from skating and had no chance in hell to fit in them. I looked in the mirror and had an identity crisis, I couldn’t stand being a skinny dude. I’d be content dropping 20lbs… but thats it.

Yeah 5’9 and 208 lbs here, but i still fit in a 33" waist. I can honestly say if your a soda drinker there is a good way to shed alot of lbs by substituting water instead. I went last year playing basketball two times a week and drinking only ONE mountain dew a day(cant kick it, worst addiction ever) and went down to 196 lbs. No other changes except basketball and mountain dew. Since I stopped playing ball and started drinking dew again im back up to 208 and cant get back down lol

6’2" was at an all-time high of 330 in 06 I believe, cut out carbs, sugar, soda, etc. only ate whole wheat when I did eat carbs, and other than that just steamed chicken and broccoli, and lots of water. Dropped down to a low of 27x in spring 07, and am currently at 28x.

Sooner or later I’ll get back on the train :rofl



creatine, argenine and protein ftw!!

Creatine is faker than Santa.

not at all. Your body produces it naturally, but you can supplement it.