Weight reduction aka getting back into shape.

I decided last week I was joing in on this too. Like nicole said baby steps. I am doing Weight Watchers tho to help me eat healthier & to knwo I have to get weighed weekly. My weight is MUCH higher than i ever would have imagined!
My first step: Give up Mt Dew (EKKK…I cant believe i said it!)

Good luck everyone else! & Vlad your doing awesome

can someone help me lol ive gained like 15lbs since the beginning of summer

Change your diet and get physically active.lol

What are you doing as far as eating? Are you eating a lot of junk food? You can lose a lot of weight simply by eating better.


Thanks 'Ris. If you need any help let me know.

As far as tips for those of you who are wondering muscle growth is the most effective way because of two things.

One - you will burn calories while doing physical excersize such as muscle building.
Two - once you’ve got the muscle mass it will burn calories every day just to support itself, allowing you to eat just to maintain the same weight.

stop drinking regular soda. The sugar content is insanely high. I’ve had a couple friends drop around 20lbs in a few months by just dropping soda.

all i drink is water and i hardly eat only junk food i eat is when i go to lvd and sutters lol

god hates you

pretty much :runaway

Restaraunt food isn’t very healthy either. Record your diet for a couple of weeks and see what your taking in.

Run a couple days during the week to get you started if you haven’t excerised in a while.

Chilis… should be out of business. Even their salads have about 1500 calories on average. INSANITY. Even when you think you’re eating healthy, chances are you really aren’t. You would be better off eating the 700 calorie better tasting bacon cheese burger.

Recording what I’ve been eating is one of the best things that I have ever done. It is really helping me stay on track.
Second thing I have really noticed is that I drink about 4 bottles of water a day at work.
It’s like an addiction. Once I started drinking water, my body just craves it constantly. (Diabetes doesn’t help)
But I am always thirsty. And already the water weight is just dropping like crazy. :benny

Ok…I have been the same svelte 170 lbs since h.s., I eat all the time, sugar like it was my job and I drink soda like it’s water…oh wait it is. Granted I walk like 30 miles a day and track my car almost every weekend; and I force myself to do 50-60 push-ups and 500 sit ups a day.
moral:eat smaller portions and more often so your body doesn’t store fat because it thinks your getting ready to hibernate, and get off your asses and do something. In fact don’t stop moving till your ready for bed, then you’ll be a skinny bastid like myself. :nana

I havent had a soda of any kind in 2 years and didnt lose that much just by not drinking it. :wtf

ya its the soda that is getting everyone seriously… even the people who drink diet soda and are 500lbs :S

well new record today im 142 LOL gained 2 lbs but that was before I took a shit… :frowning:

im goin to the gym soon soon, i just dont have anyone to go with this is BALLZ, i only went before because my buddy was a nazi about going every time, now i dont have enough discipline by myself to do shit

lets see wats good tho i got weight gainer from the store the other day, 30 bucks, ughh, so see how fat that can get me… when i start the gym tho

my comment obviously only applies to those that drink soda regularly… but I’m sure god hates you, especially since you have a mustang ;D

you are sooo smart, srs

lol im still trying to catch up to you

Portion control = 100 calorie packs.

Chips, cookies, candy.
I’m in love.

i started lifting every other day since I got down here, i lifted alot (reps not weight) yesterday and now all my muscles hurt like hell, I cant lift my arms and all I want to do is sleep :lol but I’m gonna get bigger ;D

Hater. :nono
I used to drink atleast a 2 liter or a 6 pack just about everyday but then decided to see if Id lose any weight by not drinking it anymore. Now I dont even want a soda at all. I usually drink water or milk and sometimes juice and beer (in moderation).