Weight Reduction: Human Edition

eliptical used to be my favorite machine as well… also typically did an hour a day

i started getting back problems out of no where, can’t say for sure that the elipitical was the cause, and when ever i elude to that people think i am crazy. I can say that being forced into a certain plane of motion for an hour plus a day didn’t help my back.

I was pretty fat in grade school, reasonably fit in highschool, a binge drinker in college with the body to prove it. but after college i’ve gotten down to around 20-30 lbs lighter then i was in highschool (180 is in highschool).

I have been working out since last january and had lost about 20 pounds just lifting and eatin right. That put me about 185.

On halloween i started doing Insanity. Its put out by the same company as p90X. But you don’t need any equipment. Its all conditioning drills from football, basketball, track, boot camp etc. If you’ve ever played football you will be familair with a lot of the moves.
Its pretty challenging. A lot of push ups. Once you get in decent shape and can handle all the cardio your doing well over 100 push ups a work out, while your heart is about to explode lol. all the pushups did a lot more for my chest then the bench press ever did.

Long story short, i was like 170 ish and fitting into close that i was wearing when i was 150 is the time before. that should tell you something.

planning on going back to straight lifting for a few months after i am done with my second round of Insanity then maybe do some p90x and hopefully get into Crossfit.