Weight Reduction: Human Edition

I got fat this winter. Lost 10-15 of the 25 I put on though lol. My girlfriend needs to stop cooking so well during a winter where there’s no snow on the ground and I can’t xc ski/ snowshoe 5 nights a week. The worst was my cardio was shot from being lazy. But I’ve finally got that back which matters most to me.

So who’s willing to offer some advice/a plan to start with? Who can I PM? Or should I just post in here?

There’s a handful of guys on here that has a doctorate in Broscience, wouldn’t hurt to post in the thread

I’m a noob so keep that in mind as you read below:

I’m looking to lose weight, not gain muscle (unless it just so happens to be a byproduct of losing the weight). Right now I’m 5’11" 205. I’d like to be in the low 190’s.

Keep in mind I have facet arthropathy of my L5 vertebrae (arthritis). Another issue in my back is my L5 vertebrae is actually slightly out of place compared to the others - it’s not in-line - it’s more forward.

Here is what I started doing:

  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Pushups
  • Situps
  • Various other exercises that I learned during physical therapy for my back

I do play co-ed softball for my companies team which is quite a workout at times (depends on how my bat is that day or how many balls are getting hit to right field).

I currently take the following pills (mostly for my back - two of my cousins in Ukraine are professional bodybuilders and they suggested the Animal Flex and Glucosamine/Chondroitin tablets)

click the links

Animal Flex - AnimalPak - Joint Supplemant
Centrum Men Under 50
CVS Glucosamine Chondroitin Tablets Double Strength

Will be buying this shortly as recommend by my cousins (to help build muscle in my lower back to support my spine):

click the link

MuscleMeds Hexaghen IGF-1 Optimizer

My diet consists of the following:

  1. I don’t really eat breakfast. Going to attempt to get into eating breakfast. What’s good for breakfast? Eggs? Toast?
  2. I drink a LOT of water.
  3. Lunch usually consists of Subway/Mr. Subb with the occasional Panera/Five Guys/Pizza. Mostly subs though. Wheat bread, a little mayo, lettuce/onion/loads of cucumber, turkey. I normally don’t get soda unless it’s Pizza day or I get a burger.
  4. Dinner is usually home cooked stuff by mom (fish, potatoes, various other meats, salads, home made bread) but I don’t always eat dinner either. My sister is diabetic so my mom does pretty good as far as making healthy food goes.

I’m SURE you can take your family’s advice as they won’t do you any harm, but IN GENERAL do NOT take advice from professional bodybuilders. They are unhealthy people that will put large amounts of any drug in their body.

Please, please do not take the the wrong way.

Anyway, Eggs/toast/milk is a very easy to prep, great way to start your day.

I need to get my fat ass in shape. Im disgusting.

Start eating breakfast Ilya! Gotta get your metabolism going, that would def help buring some lb’s.

gotta drop dat weight son

@165 right meow, cut down from 191.

yea buddy

stop eating garbage

I get what you’re saying. As they are usually only concerned with adding mass/muscle any way freakin possible.

But many doctors and PT’s have told me I need to strengthen my core (they have a term for this one particular muscle) in order to better support my spine in that area. Cousins said this would help maximize the effect of the workouts I do for that area and build the necessary muscle to help.

I did my own research on those pills, etc. a bit (why I went with Centrum as opposed to some of the other brands as well as the glucosamine) in order to improve joint health, etc.

For a while I was drinking fish oils but stopped that after I read that fish oil actually makes your retain a bit of fat. That’s probably why I went from 190 to 200+. And the fact that I stopped being as active, but I’m rededicating myself to that.

Yeah, I’m going to get back into it for sure.

Also, why is it bad to eat meals late (say 10pm)? Wouldn’t that keep your metabolism going all day if you eat at 7:30am, 12pm, 5pm, and say 10pm?

I have degenerate spine and scoliosis myself , my doc said to get my stomach in shape and it will help my spine .

Yeah, that’s what I was told as well.

I gotta say, since my trip to Ukraine, I do feel considerably better in every day things (such as walking around the office, etc.). I used to not be able to do 1 lap around my companies campus before my back would start to really hurt…now I can do 2 laps pretty much.

I love wheb athleits pay big bucks to go to other countries and get stem cell opperations and come back thousands of times better yet, were to pussy to condone it. I wish that if my life time there isnt a bunch of god fearing fucking pussies running the show.

True-fucking-story. Give me some stem cells, bitch. If it’s such a bad thing, why did your “God” make it possible?

Love my spelling even more in that attempt of a sentence i posted.

It’s not, and don’t listen to anyone that says it is.

Losing weight is calories in vs. calories out, THATS IT.

206.5 tonight. Cocaine is a hell of a drug

Got it.

Any particular reason you’re trying become/appear very, very thin?

You looked too thin last year@the LG lot, bro. No offense, just saying.

I dont want to be fat, thats the main reason. Ive got a few pounds left to lose, Id like to be around 195.

Lately my weight has been around 212 but yesterday was hot and I didnt eat much during the day until after the gym.