Weiner Dog eats baby's weiner.

Dog Mutilates 4-Month-Old Boy’s Genitals

WAUKEGAN, Ill. – Police are still looking into what exactly happened in a Waukegan apartment early Sunday morning when a dachshund chewed off the genitals of a 4-month-old boy.

Fire and police personnel arrived at 1:30 a.m. to the home on the city’s far southwest side and encountered the infant — who was bleeding profusely — and took him from the scene in a helicopter to a hospital.

The father of the boy told police he was visiting his girlfriend with his son when the infant fell asleep on a couch. The girlfriend had placed blankets around the child and the two went into another room to sleep.

Police said the girlfriend’s dachshund may have smelled urine in the child’s diaper and began to chew away at the diaper.

The dog continued to destroy the diaper until he mutilated and ingested the child’s genitals. The girlfriend awoke to the child screaming and immediately called 911. The boy was taken to Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge where he was listed in stable condition.

An effort was made to recover the boy’s genitalia by performing surgery, but police said the dog vomited and a veterinarian determined the tissue was substantially destroyed and reattachment would not be possible.

The animal is now held in Waukegan Animal Control custody.

Cmdr. Wayne Walles said the Waukegan Police Criminal Investigations Division and the Lake County States Attorney’s Office are still investigating the incident.

A notification to the Department of Child and Family Services has been made.

Oh how ironic.

It’s not a laughing matter, yet I’m laughing.

LOL i know same here.

thats going to suck growing up being that boy

no shit.

What’s with dog’s and infants lately?


wow, fail in life i guess right there

kids got no chance now

wow. this kid will bang the same amount of girls as the majority of NYSPEED.

i’ll send an invite.

Yeah, but at least he’ll have a legit excuse.


the worst part is that its not anyone’s fault. the baby fell alseep, so the father let him sleep (although it should have been a crib, not a couch) and the dog doesn’t know any better because its a dog.

too bad for the kid though, imagine going through life and never getting a bj… i cuoldn’t.

all i know is somehow, some way, someone should sue someone.

at least sue the couch manufacturer for a couple mil, and the dog breeder for another mil or two… i don’t think i even need to mention the obvious malpractice suit.

You forgot the diaper company, it’s obvious the diaper’s material was out of tolerance.

It’s the american way.


karma +10

if a dog had started chewing on one of my kids, the dog would not have to go to a vet for surgery, it could have been done on site with a butter knife.

i think i’ll go home and kick my dog… just because.

Well, that’s about the most awful shit I’ve heard all day.

i bet this dont get as much attention as the kid and the pitbull. cause everyone knows pitbulls are vicious man eaters and all other dogs are just cute and fuzzy. :roll2:

No, it’s just because everyone likes a good buttsecks story.


Heavy inference of parents teaching dog to sodomize small child.


Unattended dog chewing through a dirty diaper and nipping off the genitals.
