weird car problem

OHHHH its an Oldsmobile…there is your problem…LOL sorry I am just bored as shit at work here…Trying to entertain myself

please tell me you let the car sit for several hours before adding the oil… (i made that mistake in my storm before…)


30min more and I am gone till monday

Are you gone yet? :asshole

I would check the power wire to the starter. On my old Ranger that thing used to jiggle loose all the time. I became an expert at climbing underneath and pushing it back on quickly. No amount of bridging the relay or anything would work. Had me stumped for quite a long time.

:rofl: new sig

I did date a car guy once in my life, at least I can look back on it and say that I learned a few things :wink:

like that? I figured I would put that up for some of the leg humpers :wink:

he must have been faking his auto knowledge to you.
do i need to explain any further:rofl:

ha ha not at all. He also had one of the those air vent thingys welded onto his hood, but he never cut a hole in his hood. I never got that.

Smokey? or Quik?

Thats as bad as, Those goofy looking ground effects that are factory on
87-93 GT mustangs :moon:


parachute bumper so you slow LX boys can keep up

It traps the oil from getting on my windshield :bigthumb:

multi-tasking :smiley:

multi task this :bj:

what about a solenoid? and no i dont get a click when i turn the ignition forwad to start… nothing… just gauge goes dark and when i let the key come back gauge lights up again./…

vague description.

check the starter wires, then work your way up to the ignition.


If you can bridge the solenoid, then you will take that out of the equation. Just get a screwdriver and hold it across the terminals while someone tries to crank.

Dude, your battery is smoked.