I have a weird nose coming from the steering column when i turn the wheel at slow speeds. I am not really sure what it is but it just started happening recently. Anyone help me?
What kind of sound is it?
Grinding, Squeeqing, Klunking etc?
It’s hard to explain … it’s not a clunking, grinding or clicking noise. It’s kinda like hearing your idle fluctuate. I will try to explain it, um kinda like:
vrrrrr then when i stop turning the wheel, the noise goes away. If I start turning the wheel again (from stand still or slow slow speeds) the noise will begin again.
i know that noise. it does it on my chevy astro. no one has found anything wrong with it its just getting old and making noise
maybe its just the idle going up?? lol…
maybe its your power steering pump?
If it’s a whining like noise, it’s your power steering fluid. Fill it up to the
adequate level and try again.
i had the save sound/ issues… check power steering fluid.
Check the level of your power steering flud.
And when toping up make sure to youse Dextron III Automatic Transmition Fluid.
Not P/S Fluid.
I had a guy come to CT his pump failed on his nissan because he just used P/S fluid.
You can also try using Lucas Powersteering Fix, that stuff is awesome for lubricating all your seals and bearings.
SHIFT_SR20DET is the lubricatiion expert. :mrgreen: