
i am going to reweld my rockers,what gauge should i use for it? can anyone do the welding for me? i also need my rad support welded. looking for a mobile welder.thanks

18g I think for body panels…

I could be mobile if I wanted… but loading and unloading my 400lbs welder is a pain in the ass. lol.

if there is nothing left to your rockers do 16g if there is some metal left do 18g just for the added streghnth

I need exhaust hangers welded… One on the bend just before the muffler, and another being the rear hangers, the one on the left side that holds the left side of the muffler…

Weld meet anyone? :wink:

you guys always love to do things the hard way…

take it from good ol shawn and take some front fenders, cut em up and use em as back fenders =) same body line. done and done…

as per the rad suport… just get one off a jdm front clip.

fastback, I don’t think theres enough metal on the front fenders to fix this…

damn right there is.

heres a tough but useful practice

if you can do this, you can weld any thing gauge body panel on a car

take a pop can, cut it and half, and try to weld it back together

that wil teach you good things for thing gauge metal (body panel) work

speed and heat settings youll learn greatly

dont get frustrated, it took me a while and that was with a proper teacher looking over my shoulder back when i was in school doing welding.

mistake me if om wrong but are pop cans not aluminum??

if so, that would be hard lol

yes. i know aluminum has to be vlean in order to weld and you need a tig welder

screw that, put the pannel on a tac it in this foarm

1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2

and youll be fine. dont even try to bead weld it or youll warp the pannel and be up shit creak.

indeed it is alumi

hard a shit to do that, stack to cans and weld em together
more a tack sequence

do what he said tho ^^^

will work