Well it's not a evo :(

can anyone post pics for me?

www.photobucket.com is your friend

Nice car

great… maybe it will be the end of these threads?

upload your pics to your gallery here on nyspeed…nice car, get them pics up! :tup:



if you want, i’ll host pics again for you. dankraft@gmail.com

congrats on your purchase.

congrats on the new car man :tup:

their deffinitly a blast. Nice looking, handle decent, good pickup… I was pretty amazed when my buddy had his g/f’s fathers for the day.

Got to go thru it and really check it out (opposed to looking at one on a stealership lot). I was, for a while, really thinking about trading the stang in for one :slight_smile:

I loved first gear lol… not even throwing it everything it had, the tires wanted to go up in smoke towards the top of the gear lol

a seriously fun car to drive IMHO

edit: the one gripe that I did have though… the blower was WAAAAY too quiet lol (that wouldnt last long if I owned one though). Couldnt hear it even under hard throttle. Shit, my m90 used to sound like a jet getting ready for take off at idle lol

Look like fun cars congrats on the new purchase. :tup:

boost > you

i had to…

edit: congrats on the new ride :tup:

yeah, pully on a cobalt SS = bad idea. my cousin’s friend has a cobalt SS and when he put a pully on it, it started runnig really hot all the time and everytime he started driving it hard it would start to overheat. he switched the pully back to the stock one and the porblem went away. i have heard this from a few other sources as well

are they intercooled from the factory? what pully was he running?

I, for some reason, cant see why it would overheat from a pully swap unless it was just pushing the blower too hard (who knows, maybe the stock piece is already running under maximum effiecency)

noOOo …get out of STS…you arent allowed in the STS cookout tent next yeat, lol…jk :lol:

i have some things possibly up my sleeve as well christopher so don’t get too excited about kicking my butt…cuz as far as i recall…i kicked yours and josh’s butt last event :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Thats only becuase they didnt count my times…cause jeremy never told brett i was working the tent…and besides…i i cked ur but in g-stock…and STS most of the year…and my car sux…:slight_smile: :)…all in good fun i love u know that

^^^hehe yeah i know…nothin but jokes :slight_smile:

fine…then how about we just get top 2 and kick everyone elses butt…


Yes, air/water intercooled.

GM has a stage II kit that has a small pulley, injectors and a reflash. A smaller pulley will not make it over heat. I think somthing else was wrong with the kids car if it kept over heating.

Edit: Yes they are intercooled from the factory.

if u got the pully on. no injectors or a reflash it prolly will over heat

the Ion and the Cobalts have a tendency to limit boost to 12ish psi. Even if you swap pulleys the computer will open up the bypass valve to limit boost. Now running to much boost wont nessisarily make the motor temp hotter because the t-state and cooling system should be able to recover but it will make the IC run hotter and could make you pop a piston if KR is present and you run lean.

I know that with the 03-04 Cobra, when you start modding them, its time to get a new heat exchanger. I don’t know enough about the SS or Redline but I would have to imagine there is a way around the boost limiting and possible overheating when changing the pulley.

remember that you can host pictures here too, and everybody can see 'em, even us worker drones toiling away.