well its official... im moving to.....

Haha, Texas is no different, just warmer, and with more ignorant asshats.

Kinda like how NYC has pretty much nothing to do with Buffalo, you can’t assume “All people from New York are fucking yuppies”


Kinda like how NYC has pretty much nothing to do with Buffalo, you can’t assume “All people from New York are fucking yuppies”


ill side with you… but whens the last time you met a texan who didnt think their dick was the biggest in the world…even the ladies hahaha

I work with one.

I’ve met lots.



Out of anywhere in the United States, Texas takes the cake as the worst.


You live in EA…go scam someone.

Texas isn’t bad at all…and the racing scene there has some serious balls.

In my experiences with dealing with people located all over the country, The worst have always been New Yorkers (as in NYC) and Texans.

Obviously, not all New Yorkers or all Texans fit the stereotype, but there are stereotypes for a reason.


You live in EA…go scam someone.


Sorry, I don’t associate with the Elma Honda Crew.

Sorry I was just stereotyping you with the rest of the area…

That’s fine.

I understand. And I am well on my way to leaving EA, because I do agree it is full of asshats.

I am in no way insinuating that all Texans suck.

There is just a higher percentage than some other places from my experiences.

FL or Rich CA populous is the worse, NYC/NJ are second, followed by rural texas,

CO isnt the greatest with quality of population either… theyre either from CA, TX or Mexico. so you do the math on that one