Welp... Just dodged a Lay-Off!

Well… after 2 hours of freaking out and almost having a massive anxiety attack… our dept (including myself) is safe.

I hope Micah is safe!

Announcement was posted at 6pm last night… saw it when I got in here at 7am this morning… had a dept meeting at 9am where they said we’re all safe in this engineering dept.

What company?


Medical Device Group.

What departments got cut?

Not sure yet. Just know Design & Development Engineering here at Salt Lake isn’t effected. No clue what other depts.

Also sounds like it’s a Medical Division only thing cuts wise.

My old man works in the Elma office, I know Paulo does as well. Hope Micah is safe…

If you moved and got layed off, that would be total BS


Happened to a friend of mine at an unrelated company. He took a substancial promotion and moved out to Cali from Buff. 6 months into the position, management re-organized the dept and basically cleaned house. Ridiculous…

I hope everyone here is ok!


saw the notice as well… find out Thursday… I feel confident though. even though I didn’t have a confirmation meeting yet… but hey I did win Bills tickets for the Moog suite next Thurs nite at the Ralph, so THAT’s good!

Suite! I’m free thursday!

My first day at work out here after relocating… they announced the last round of layoffs… that was a complete freak-out moment for me.


I heard the Moog Aircraft Group in East Aurora had a bunch of layoffs. A few friends of mine are not out of work… :frowning:

I’d like to lay myself off.

That’s good!

Off topic DuPont also laid off like 1500 people in Buffalo and might send more home. :frowning: Shitty

don’t worry people on welfare will still have free health care and drive Cadillac Escalades

I’ll take this as further confirmation that we’re most likely headed for another wave of deflation. Not a good economic sign when military/medical groups are cutting jobs. But I guess when you catch a kid with a dime bag and can lock him up in a private FOR PROFIT prison he will make shit rather cheap for ya. 8/

The timing is Interesting.

Old guy always trying to start shit.
