West End Meet...every wednesday

suck my dick, bitch… again

It was fun to finally put faces on everyone.

And we got our own private Sentra drift show which was awesome, what skills!

sentra drift skills? i couldnt make it and was not cool at all . what i did do to pass the time was drop a GANGSTER CA18DET in someones car. cant wait for that baby to show up next week. and i will…for sure this time LEAVE THAT WED OPEN. so where is the meet still planned? Sq1? if you guys keep moving it, well its gunna make alot of people not show up

woohoo my 800th post!

lol wtf? Sentra Drift? haha geez i definitely missed something tonight. i would have shown but somehow mid day i ended up in Markham having lunch with this girl i met haha geez im like Osad now lolz

i was hoping he would wrap around a pole and then say “OMG, my mom’s gonna kill me.”

damn it i always miss all the fun. It was a good meet, nice to finally meet logik23 in person.

yeah… definitely a good meet :slight_smile:

hahahaa sorry guys

i passed out, tiring day

i know you miss me big guy, ill see you this weekend probably for the tire pickup :wink:

Your gay too now??

Way to take it outta context.

out of context in a hilarious matter none the less.

Chris, I wanna talk to you on MSN bro, you online?

yo Dan man, i dont know what the problem is, EVERYTIME you are on msn im not. i Can guarentee that we will never speak online and lawl at each other’s comments.

no joke man i start laughin SO hard everytime HAHAAH

so who’s going tonight? Ill probably show up o.o!?

ive got work until 10:15 :frowning: so i prolly wont be out.

I’ll try to show up around 9:30-10:00

I probably won’t come tonight. Getting laid.

Glad to hear your dad is coming home mark.

Tell your sister I said hi.

i’ll be there at 9:30-10 also