West End Meet...every wednesday

He lied, he got some, damn no show lolz

I sorry bishes =(
I wasn’t feeling well and ended up staying home and catching some z’s. If it makes you feel better, no, I didn’t get laid :smiley:

He was up all night distracting me from my sutdies…

Anyone going tomorrow, wed. Nov. 7th?

I’ll be there at 9 to meet up with Rex_Thugs.

Iz coldss!

i mite come by tomorow. we will have to see tho. wont be in the nissan tho thats for sure.

Chris, I heard what happened!!

My gas gauge is awfully low… I might come or might not… I don’t want to fill up yet lol.

i shot a deer

did you atleast haul it home and made dinner?

so anyone actually showing up?

I’m heading out there to meet up with a guy.

If theres people there I’ll stick around and chat.

Antonio, are you going? I left a message for Phill to give you some parts if you are going… not sure if he even got it or not.

Oh lol… He hasn’t told me anything, I’ll give him a call right now.

oh crapper, too late for me, was suppose to meet up with some people at the west end, but decided to meet at my house instead.

see you all next season.
buy my HIDs :smiley: another group buy is starting :wink:

Any of you fags going tomorrow? I might come in the beatoarzz

it’s actually fcuking warm today, so everyone should come out to this meet one last time.

Today’s not wednesday :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll drop by to give deposit and say hi.

Someone wanna give me a ride?

i totally forgot today was tuesday :stuck_out_tongue: