West End Meet...every wednesday

haha you dig mah mud flaps?! They’ll be coming off soon now that street rally season is over :smiley:

Unless someone buys it… that would make me happy and I could leave them on :wink:

So good meet overall? I’ll try to make it next time.

no mark, it’s spring now so you arent allowed to show up in a winter beater

… oh wait :blush:

ok fine new rule. we all get one strike - next time i’ll show up in a real car :smiley:

Yea, John, the mudflaps makes the car look tough in my opinion.

Doesn’t matter. If you drove a 240 in the winter, your car counts as a winter beater too. :slight_smile:

If next meet is Apr 1st, I won’t be driving the Civic anymore :slight_smile:

Yea, 'twas nice to see everyone come out of their shells for the winter lol.

ultimate flop has to go to Osad, Not only was he a no-show, but he stopped mark from coming too hahahah Good meet tho, lots of cars and for once we had enough JDM Cars to balance out the CDN rustbuckets haha

Yo I was there… You guys are lame. Everybopdy is lame but me.

ok there captain flop

who you calling lame?! i better not be on that list!!

LOL Junior, You know I wouldnt put YOU on that list lol, especially when you can run me over with my own go karts…

whomp whomp?

Osad is scared of the black man…

Yes. I am.

Meet Tonight??

Eeh, G comes out Saturday, and I don’t feel like taking the Civic again.

I can come… if someone shows up :slight_smile:

LOL Solarian, Stop being a wuss

Boogerdan!!! Come damn you, you dont even call me out to go to lunch no more -_- lols

Who’s going tonight?

I’ll be there, GTS is supposed to be there cuz i gotta swap something that i picked up for him since i gave him the wrong model haha