West Seneca Neon Owner

please tell me thats not you with the make up on

Im just used to watch drift car videos of the cars moving around turns in the same manner so I call it that.Its Sliding if you must.

Why you looking to get some of that :gay:

well, if it is then I can see why you love your race car

its not a race car

i used to autox my first Gen neon. and mod it slightly. im not ashamed of it.

no different than driving a old civic.


Wow, this is still going.


just cancel ur account now u wer doomed from the beginning

Maybe she’s born with it…

wrong brand I know.


now THAT’S the right brand

id like to learn how to photoshop, guess i never got into it cause i dont got a myspace :frowning:

i had a myspace for like 2 months…but that was 2 years ago i think.

this took about 45 seconds in Paint, i actually have never photoshopped. thats hard to believe by looking at it, i know…:rofl:

lol at all of this!


shit son, you had to out do me didn’t you…

ahah yeah.

Please lock this abortion of a thread.

he’s like cancer! every thread he touches shrivels up and dies!

i agree though, :lockd: it up quick