What appeals to you about 240sx's?

You can fit a small ice cap or a can of redbull IN the ashtray :D:):rolleyes:

The s13 is a very practical people carrier, u can haul upto 6 people, luggage and trailer a seadoo. who needs a van or a suv. u also have a double bed in the back so who needs a camper. They weren’t kidding when they said that the s13hb is a very versatile platform.

Stock KA is perfect for DD and cruising. Fits my needs pretty much as is, the bumpers though, need to be a little modernized.

i got 2 snowboards, a small sled, and 4 people in my coupe before. that was quite a journey.

wtf for cereal? 4 people + 2 snowboard and a sled, that’s madness.

mark told me id be jdm tyte

I originally wanted a Z32, I was obsessed with the car, then came to my senses and got an S13. :slight_smile: It definitely makes a better first car. Also much easier to work on, when the bolts aren’t rusted.

initial d

  • Rare
  • Turbo
  • Rwd

These ones are just bonues that I always would have liked to have and now do!

  • No Window Frames
  • Vents part of the door
  • High sitting centre console

I also really like it because when I drive my car around the reaction I get from people’s faces is not “hmm that looks nice” but I get a look of confusion almost like they are trying to figure out if it was me that dropped their daughter off at 8am…

thats as good as the oil changers in Kitchener, maybe 2003 my Etest the guy put the front tires on the rollers

HAHAHA thats fuckin jokes

  • rarely see them around town
    -s14 interior is dopesauce
    -mods for the sr20 are easily obtainable
    -quicker then my hondas and cheaper to obtain more power
    -gets WAY more respect then any of the hondas I had

theres plenty of other reasons why… 240sx are for the mother fucking win

I got my 180 cause 240’s are sexy, and 180’s are just that much sexier

hahha nice

yeah man

sled stuffed in the trunk.

2 boards through the sunroof.

people seated awkwardly.

could have made a sitcom out of that shit.

Quoted for truth!

except my crx :wink: that little bastard was stupid fast and good enough for near 400whp

ahhh fuk i drive a 240sx i thought it was a integra…

Without all-out-performance in mind, the KA’s are actually stout enough to provide a reliable, yet ‘fun enough’ daily driver.

It actually feels ‘fun’ driving it stock. All the reliability I could ever want, yet still enough power to have a little bit of fun.

haha must had been quite chilli