What are some of the most unreliable cars?

just wondering what poeple think are the most unreliable bone stock cars. modded cars don’t count. I know someone will say dsm’s but where they really that bad bone stock when they came out?

here are some I’ve heard of or thought of.

older Lotus
FWD northstar caddies
3rd gen RX-7



volkswagen audi Bmw in that order

Did dsm’s really get alot of warranty claims when they were still low miles though and bone stock?

my dad said he had alot of little problems with his audi a4, mostly electronic crap for awd or the stability control or something.

Well if they where bone stock reliable you would see them often:rofl:


this is the first time i saw ur sig.thats hillarious

quad 4

didnt they have problems with headgaskets?

05 G6’s.It was the first year for the Lanline system and it was a electrical nightmare.

fwd caddies OVER 100k miles…head gaskets start going around then
head gaskets on 1st gen neons sucked oh so bad



Most German and all British cars.

My stepmother’s Land Rover was the worst vehicle ever.

GM SUV’s astro vans silverados anything with the 4.3 or chevy 1500 pickups. mainly only fuel pumps. or 02-05 hyundai small cars elantra sonata. tow them all the time. many different things. any GM 3.1 6.4 because of lower intake manifolds. jeep with the 4.0’s for starters or crank positioning sensor. cavaliers with starters. chrysler minivans with tranny problems or the 3.0 and the 3.3 head gaskets. many others and i could go on all day. (i drive for AAA soi see them all)

So you’re saying CPS and starter are preventative maintenance? :smiley:

I remember hearing about the quad4 headgaskets. 2.2 and 2.5 dodges don’t like headgaskets either.

anything with a blue oval

Land/Range Rovers are supposed to be pretty bad.

I see very few 90’s dodge’s on the road and the ones I do see are puffing blue smoke like crazy. I vote dodge for worst

early audi’s just like i had