What did you do to your car today?

recovered my door panels in black vinyl

Holla’d at bitches in it now that the brakes are quiet.

dropped it off at a body shop

drove it to work. gonna wash it later. yay!!!

noticed a nice crack in the turbo manifold… FML

Installed my KYB 3 puck copper metallic clutch from JDM land along with NISMO pressure plate

UBER JDM! Did the six puck have about the same wear?

Looked at a donor chassis yesterday.

yea… the only thing that worried me was the fact the rivets are so close to the friction material on the ACT… but the KYB 3 puck doesnt have them on the friction material so i went with that

oh and that pressure plate is a NISMO plate… I noticed it after I cleaned all the clutch dust off it and saw it etched in their with the part number

Nice hope it works out. If your not going to use the 6 puck I’ll take it back for a spare.

will do!

Jumped it over a set of railroad tracks

found out when the head gaskets got done the guy fucked shit up

OUCH, what happened, man?

have no idea… what ever it was got fixed

Picked up a pack of rubber door bumpers for the truck at Metro Ford. I only needed one but had to buy a pack of 4. $2.50 each for a little piece of rubber.

cry me a river!!

Added oil lol

burned gas and rubber

axles. gonna mess with the clutch and maybe put the ecu and starter in the car… pull FP maybe and check the pick up screen to check for debris

found out its a 15 sec car…