What did you do to your car today?

scared people with it

ewg ftw boi

indeed. :rofl

took a couple of pics of the dirty car

I did that too:


hey, look we have the same wheel gap!

Yeah, my truck sits a little low for a 4x4

mine just looks like a 4x4 right now heh

scraped some toe

sick f150…I think you need some photos of that bitch done by dino petrocelli

I think Ill just stick to taking pics of it myself for now.

Advanced the timing and other things of that nature :ninja

continued smoothing my bay

helped a friend put a new slave cylinder in his eclipse…it was fun…lol

scratched my back bumper on the gti. dont really care. and drove the balls off it, found out the limits of 2nd gear if you let it spin and hit limiter honda style. i have been shifting a bit early. also found out 27psi boost + hot drag radials, still = wheelspin in 3rd without brake boosting. it kind of sucks.

4G63? they are easy.

blew up the inside sidewall on the rear driver side tire an hour and a half ago

good job. :number1

prolly why your suby breaks down every 300 miles.

heh, well its not like i WANTED TO. it just shredded. i’m getting new tires today or tomorow and gettin those on. so now i have 3 tires that I think i’ll give to the drift hustle guys and go with 'em to watch them burn those damn things up. if they want them that is. i think they would take em, cuz free tires :slight_smile:
edit: now im thinking that if i was on my BB5 reps, the rim woulda shattered under me and there would have been spokes all over the highway and it woulda been a mess. thankfully theres no damage to the Lorinser, so i’m good with that. Tires are cheap.

what size tires we talkin here