What did you do to your car today?

Ripped a redonkulously large fart which almost gagged me in the car this morning. Luckily Black Ice air fresheners had my back…

i just park on them

got a new serp belt for the jeep

kicked it in the sideskirt caus its a $24,200 POS

bought pistons

> [B][SIZE=3]In this life, one thing counts; in the bank: large amounts. [/SIZE][/B] Gayest quote EVAR!


word big byrddddd

pm replied leo

its true though

Hit 17psi worth of supercharged boost… I can’t fucking stand people sometimes.

Storytime: First, let me say I am not one to beat on my car or drive more than 10mph over the speed limit, especially in cold weather. (Long story short, LSJ + cold + Stage 3 pulley + summer tune = lean = popped motor) I take it easy 95% of the time. But I was having a rather bad day after having my boss bitch at me for something that was clearly NOT my fault. I was tired and fed up with nonsense.

On Wolf Rd., I am crusiing in the right lane doing about 35mph. Light up ahead is red, so I leave it in 2nd gear and engine brake/coast up to the light. I notice this douchebag behind me flashing his lights at me? The fuck is his problem… there is an open lane to the left mind you.

So he cuts over to the lane and then cuts me off getting back in the right lane. Whatever, I don’t have time for BS. I cruise along normally. Then a big ass SUV comes flying along and decides to cut me off. Really? 2 in a row? They all fucking go WOT up to the red light, then drive like sissies when it goes green. I don’t understnad this phenomenon.

So i’m sitting in the right-hand turn lane onto central ave from wolf (2 lanes). The light goes green, and the 2 stunters in the left lane take off like a bat out of hell and then slam on the brakes when they get to 40mph or so. Okay. Cool. I clutch out, follow the 2 cars in front of me at a normal pace, and continue listening to Seether’s “Breakdown.” (Nice relaxing driving song.).

Then, the 2 cars in front of me hop on the 87 S exit, leaving a wide open stretch of road ahead of me. I’m just before the bridge, and IDK what came over me, but I said fuck this… pushed the clutch in, blipped the throttle to 4500RPMS, Shifter in 2nd, dropped the clutch and went WOT. I’ve been babying the shit out of my car lately, and it was nice to hear the SC scream like that (especially under the bridge with my windows cracked…mmm :)) Anyway, tires break loose and the RPM shoots to 7200 and hits limiter. Oops… feather the throttle a bit, hit redline, bang 3rd, and fly past the idiots. I don’t know why, but it felt fucking good to do that. After I passed them I let off and coasted down to 50mph and didn’t see so much as a headlamp flicker from the fuckheads again.

And that sums up my drive home from work. haha.

Walked past it and frowned.

Same here.

^you tell 'em, chris

Yep, it must be time to take my anti-depressants :rofl

Looked at the garage, and JIZZED in my pants

repost, fail, gtfo, now, noob ass MFer.

:rofl Thats what i was referencing!

LMFAO! The kid that sits next to me in business looks like the guy in that video :rofl

does somebody need a hug??