What did you do to your car today?

Tucked the bay and prepped it for paint:excited

How did you feel about this…

…last night :rofl

Other than it making my shoe stick to the fucking floor…it wasn’t bad

just washed dat ish

Detailed it, inside and out.


de-badging is awesome

wana go LS hunting??? hahah


post the pic of my SS prelude

I did you homo.


Even got its own cute little thread.

And now everyone knows my car is slow. It even says right on it.

no post it on here i wana post it on preludehomos.com see what they think

1 sec…


Is that the 333whp Prelude that runs 14s?!!?!

Careful, it’s an SS now. Shits no joke.

Oh, Shouldn’t be as slow now.

13s you snatch sniffer and yea ss stands for super slow prelude type Super Heavy


calm down

washed the beater gonna maybe gonna coat her with wax tom morn before work…

Looks good dude! haha

SS= snatch sniffer?

Changed over the blue couplers to black. Reset ECU.

I did rotors and pads all the way around. Next weekend will be oil change and spark plugs(i hear pulgs on my car are an absolute nightmare) I figure it cant be worse than that whole starter fiasco

If you need a hand holding your fruit basket throughout the process or something let me know.

Matter of fuct I have to do alot of the same shit and then some next weekend. fark.