what do we know about minis?

im semi-interested in the mini s(supercharged) i cant afford the new turbo model… and i was wondering what kind of info we have out there about the mini s’s. whats nice about them? are they reliable? are they expensive to fix? whats not nice about them?
let me know thanks

being made by BMW, I cant imagine they are all that cheap to fix, I doubt its outrageous though.

What do we know-- they are ugly and small

the n/a one gets really good mileage like 37 hwy

We also know you will breaK IT


the only cooper S that is worth buying is the john cooper works edition…if you can find one, buy it! those things handle fucking amazing and got a bit more power than the stock supercharged S’s…i test drove one and took a turn onto a side street ~45-50, no brakes, just grabbed the wheel and turn lol and it handled like a damn go-kart…<— it was funny because the salesman with me told me to do it :lol:

SPDboy is your guy to talk to. Mark currently has 2 of them :slight_smile:

had an 04 for a year… problems to note in 60k of driving…

Rear control arms broke…
Front and rear pads 20k
Tires 10k (crazy rear camber chews them up, and no ajustment for them)
coolantt tanks leaks
coil-packs needed replacing at 50k
sunroof mesh ripped on the sides around 30k
if you want reliablity no more then 200hp.
kind of slow… (well now i drive evo)

EVERYONE will call your car CUTE



supercharger a lot more reliable then turbo
timing chain… not needed to be replaced as often as belt
6 speed gear box pretty hardy
lots of options
comfterbal DD
Pritty good on gas…

Thats not really cool, pretty shitty actually, Im kinda surprised.

My wife is on her third, and I’ve driven just about every combo

Our first 02 had a couple bugs they fixed NC, first model year problems, we drove it to 45k and got a killer trade it. Basicly cost us about $4500 to drive it for 4 years, and it got hit. It did really well, infact the Volvo that hit us was totaled and we just need a hatch and rear bumper.

Our 06 was not as good as the 02 not sure why, never had any problems with it, it just didn’t drive as well as the 02 and was slower. Trade in was still great on this one as well.

The 08 is by far the best one yet. Its quicker (not fast) and more fun to drive, it also has a much smoother trans than the early CVT’s and the paddle shift is kind of cool.

They make great drivers, and get great milage. We’ve never paid anything for any service work (its all included to 50k) They handle great and even do good in the snow. They also hold there value really well, Towne just sold our 06 used with 24000 miles for 1900 less than we bought it new for.

If you want a great handling car its a good choice, if your looking to go drag racing from light to light pick something else.

I’ve heard stories about his which may explain this

well tracking the car yes may explain the control arms, but that lack of camber adj, if this is so true is shitty

ya I replaced them with solid aftermarket ones… they do make Ajustable replacments…

But the stock stamped aluminum are horad… I bent one just DDing the car.

hmm well i might buy a used one at 50k miles… and this might be a bad idea with the warranty ending and all… hmm thanks all info is appreciated!

fix the srt4 can call it a day.

My GF has an 07 S, and it is freaking awesome. I really really really like driving it. I have driven a few supercharged ones, but the turbo is much better.

She traded in her 05 non-s, and got an obscene amount of money for it. They really hold their value.

Word they do hold there value…

But I have to agree with carnut … just fix the SRT4… you will be much happier…

Great little autox car - dominates G Stock right now.

Sucks about the Neon.

You want a DD that can handle minor track driving and be an all seasonal…Audi 90S maybe?

Nuff said for Turbo vs. Supercharger… :tup: Mr. JJ