what do you guys think this o2 housing is worth - the more opinions i get, the better

this is something a friend picked up for his car, and it has already been seen
by a few people on the board. i would liek to ask the nyspeed community as
a whole what THEY thinkof it

i will not yet reveal where it was purchased, or how much he paid for it, just
please look at the pictures and give your honest opinions on quality and
what you think it SHOULD retail for


its not horrific, but i definitely wouldn’t put it on my car.

im going to say… he paid $250

but he should have paid… $80


He got that off EBay for probably round $80.

There are better vendors on EBay than that one with much better robotic welds and stuff.

That looks like it was hand welded.

keep the opinions coming guys

and no, it wasnt bought off ebay, it was purschased of a company that has a pretty good amount of respect in the industry…

i cant WAIT till im allowed to tell you guyy who …

its not terrible, but the welds around the wg tube are pretty bad.

The part was made out of stainless, not back purged, and the welds are contaminated with hydrogen and oxygen, causing crystalation and many other things. So they ground all the junky weld outcropings off the inside, and then sell it on e-bay for 20 bucks. But it will crack in the first year of use, and you would have a higher quality part if it was made out of painted mild steel, because at least that would make it longer than 4 months without cracking. I’ve had 2 headers that are that SSAUTOCHROME type of chinese construction, and both are all cracked to shit. But there are polished, woo woo. I assume he paid like 30 bucks, and its worth about 15.

The welds look like crap. Almost looks like someone just used their mig on stainless hoping it would work. It didn’t. N2O junkie know more about fabing these peices up than I do but i have eyes and they tell me I wouldn’t want it.

I’d say about $25 is about what it’s worth.

those are available on ebay for 80 bux… i bought one for a customer of mine who wanted a DSM turbo… it looked nice, alot nicer then that, the welds were def robotic or done by some1 very good, that looks like it was done by the hands of a parkinsons patient

Its already been said before how bad the welds are so I’m not going to say it again. Pretty good quality piping and decent flanges, just poor assembly.

I’d like to know where its from/who made it.

i like how the mating surface of the flange looks like…

i can’t even think of a metaphor. it looks like a leaky piece of shit, and i’m not even gonna get into the welds (the little i DO know about a good weld)

so let’s hear it.

This pic made me cry harder than the rest.

i WAS going to wait till Pat and i heard back from them … but fuck it

$291 from slowboyracing.com

the piece peviosly arrived

i WAS going to wait till Pat and i heard back from them … but fuck it

$291 from slowboyracing.com

the piece previosly arrived NOT EVEN FULL WELDED! i shit you not !

the 3 pics below are the 3 unwelded areas

we were also quite unhappy with the weld quality at that time, they “repaired” that by jacking up the heat on the tig welder and burning the shit out of the old welds to “smooth” them out, which resulted in even uglier welds

we also supplied them with images of what we WANTED the welds to look like. this information was ignored

we told them about the slag inside the turbine tube, it could have easily been ground when they did their grinding inside the WG dump tube. they chose to leave it in there

when we spoke to them on the phone 2 days ago, “chris” had the nerve to basicly say “be happy you got ahold of me, theres people here who wouldnt care about this”

they also quoted pat a time of “2 months” to get the SBR manifold he wanted
they sent him the wrong one
he returned it
they STILL havent sent the right one … and its been another 2 months

thats messed up… :tdown:

post a really well written timeline style event, include conversations and shit, and all your pics that you have above…you’ll make them come to you I’m sure.

^^^ i already have 40+ forums on my list of sites ill be posting a HUGE description of all this bullshit on … im making dame sure that if their actions dont rectify this, they will loose more money then these parts are worth



this is the DSM one i bought and sold… all the welds were nice and good

cost 80 bux