what does a slipping clutch feel like??

I think my clutch is slipping, but I’ve never had a car that had a bad clutch before. It’s a 92 KA and it’s got 150 on it, but it’s been meticulously maintained and it just feels like 3000k in first, and all through second are alot slower than they used to be. The other thing is, accelerating from anywhere 80km/h, it pulls like normal… I know it’s not the sensors or intake or oil because everything is fresh. I seafoamed it 2 months ago, and did everything that all the other slipping clutch threads suggested… bottem line (I have a point, i know) what does a slipping clutch feel like?? thanks guys

You can tell you have a slipping clutch when you accelerate and your RPM rise but all you feel is a jerk and no power, when you ease totally off you can accelerate, but any sort of high acceleration results in slipping (jerking with no acceleration)

rmp rises and kilometers dont move or drop… the way i noticed was when i st oped, i could release the clutch with no gas and teh car wouldnt move. that was after i pretty much blew a chunk off of my clutch.

you mite have gummed plugs.

yeah I’m gonna check that soon (the plugs)

Talk to Walter Dixon, Wiltzor on son.

haha yep my clutch slips.

it feels like what was mentioned above

rpm’s stay pegged at redline and speed slowly increases. feels kinda like a CVT transmission if you’ve driven a car with one.

put it in 3rd and go about 80-100% on throttle and tap the clutch pedal… just a little love tap if the car jerks your clutch is on its way. and if you car is like mine when u floor it the it sounds like the engine gas 1000 hp cuz the rpms go up like your in 1st yet your on the highway in 5th. :wink: And the km done go any higher :(.

i remember when i first had a clutch problem lol i never new it was slipping i always thought my tires where bad and spinnning. ya that was liek 2 years ago then 1 day i was sitting with a friend from the body shop next door hes like your clutch is slipping i was like wtf wats that , then alter on after i droped him off my clutch went rite on the highway.

Good idea, put load on the clutch by engaging in high gear to test for slipping.

I have the same problem aswell… I thought it was an engine issue… Maybe need to do plugs/wires, or a fuel filter… now I know it’s the clutch… That sux :frowning: