What does your girl use v. birth control

Just so everyone knows… you don’t put it on your dick they shove up their twats and it stays there for a month… During sex you can push your dick through it and it gets stuck lol


your head

What? have you even fucked a girl yet? I’ve had a few pregnancy scares already for dumb ass random hook ups, fuck buddies and what not…

believe me when I say… pulling out is garbage

ugh, that gave me the heebie jeebies…

yea pulling out is a no no, i just got a random text from the ex gf that said we would have a hypothetical 6 month old. WTF?!?!? i didnt even respond.

best $400 i ever spent

baby #3 was made on the nuva ring FYI… just saying

and yes dan you are right for guys with good size D’s and know what they are doing it will comeout or go around it

and they put it up there for 3 weeks

so no one has the Mirena?? she wants to know b/c 5 diff people have told her bad things about it and wanted to see if anyone could give her more word on it b/c all we got was bad info … but anything you ask about you will get bad info

Mirena is the devil. Don’t do it. It turned my significant other into a total bitch due to the hormones… made me want to just “hate fuck” her. Had it removed after 6 months.

All of these I.U.D.'s seem to have similar side effects, including decreased sex drive which is a pretty good way to prevent pregnancy.

No birth control here anymore…no need.

I could feel it every once in a while…i would get poked by the “fishing line”




that, still
your head

Loestrin 24

been on 3 diff scripts over the years but oral cont’s have worked for us for knock on wood ~9 years. Hopefully it’ll hold out for just a bit longer.

anytime you mess with the bodys hormones your bound to have some kind of disaster(side effects or unwanted results). Jimmy hats and the sperm killin lube man, Cant go wrong. Or learn to imitate some of those porns that were fs.

unless you want sex to feel good

If it doesn’t feel good (latex or no) you’re not doing it right.

im not having this conversation again, ive had it a few times on here, but condoms FTL

LAFENGAS- thanks for the info …

Condoms suck but any other type of BC makes my gf become a total bitch and I can’t stand her so right now it’s just condoms.

In the past I used to never use condoms and just relied on the pill and pull out/her swallowing because I hated condoms, but like previously mentioned a few “what ifs” and “possiblys” came up and made me double think my prevention. I’ve also torn through quite a few condoms and just been like fuck yeah keep going.

lol i break them or the fall off (yes crazy small D here)

but really all 3 kids have been born on some kinda birth control and it was taken correctly … we are that 1:1,000,000 cupple

I may just go get done but im a bitch and hate pain

PM’d 4doorbabe. Probably can’t offer any more advice then these boys already did though.

meh I hear it’s not so bad. then again I don’t have a penis.

did you send her nudes?


the big thing with any pills or anything that miranda (4doorbabe) goes on with more hormones makes her crazy tired and also kills anythought of sexi can I

I guess I’m old school. I use the pill. Yaz.

Nuva ring, and merina freak me the fuck out. And the patch made me fat. And then they did all those recall shits on them about how you can die.

I have never heard of anyone who has said it hurts. I think its more of a pride thing…