What does your girl use v. birth control

heh, that made me laugh

Neaveau ring. That thing is magical. I dont feel it, ever, unless I’m using my fingers. My girlfriend is “small” and tight so if that is any indication for you.

…And, if your plans change, it’s easily removable!

My girl doesn’t take BC, just hoping i dont end up with a little one running around…i am very careful tho so its all good…your man needs to know learn how to pull out thats all lol, really tho


that went well

Just incase you guys don’t know…THE PULL OUT DOES NOT WORK… didn’t any of you take health class?

I have been on every kind of pill there is, and they all make me super tired with no sex drive…no good

I did the patch, but it kept coming off…no good

I did the Nuva Ring…and got pregnant…

http://blogs.reuters.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/chastity300.jpg Just lock it up.

hahahahahahah she already said she basically cant go without the sex lol, i wish my girl was like that, that bitch can go weeks sometimes WTF lol


my gf has been on alot of different shit because of how much things have been fucking with her. the only thing she is finding working good is the pill. she tried out the ring and well absolutely hated it! ive also heard of possible medical problems if you do use the ring.

either way, good luck with not having another if thats your goal!

might as well just make #4 and get it over with right

lol its going to happen sooner or later, right

My FI is using an IUD, I can’t remember off the top of my head which one. She has had it for over a year now and has had no issues with becoming a bitch because of it, I’m not sure how “the hormones” would do that seeing as it is one of the lowest hormone options you can use, and IIRC the copper variant doesn’t use any hormones at all.

Regarding feeling it that is going to be more personal depending on the depth of your box (which is probably like a clown car anyway now) and the length of his hammer.

Same goes for hormones, everyone reacts differently to them however in my personal experience that hasn’t been an issue. She wasn’t that wild about “checking for the string” regularly however.

god…If my last girlfriend had gotten knocked up.

Actually it got tighter… :highfive:

:nono: v. clown car

EDIT there she goes

lol @ clown car.

Condoms make me last like, 2 hours. It’s fucking tiring.

lol Condoms feal like a … your right you dont feal anything

It was a joke.

I do vagina’s for a living, I know more about what happened to your crotch box by having kids than you’d ever want to.

And I laughed…