what happens during the R.I.D.E program?

ooohhh so 3 of us that we know of…cool cool …yes they do exist…theres a guy in my subdivision with a gunmetal grey 300…nvr had the chance to talk to him but i see him often…and also theres another 300 ive seen in my friends subdivision just north of me…it kinda makes me mad cuz i see soooo many of them…then i dont feel so different :frowning: lol nice so its new to u…ive had my 300 since i was 15 yrs old lol Nice ta meet u Patrick…well it had sumthin to be with the Nox…Nocs?? bein to high…and it wudda costed a lot to fix…a lotta work to be done…so it was just cheaper to pay to get the sheet changed lol