what happens during the R.I.D.E program?

asian glow? lol

You haven’t really seen me because I’m only really driving the Z at night… and now its stored for the winter. Believe it or not I’ve seen yours. Actually believe it or not I’m right across 16th avenue from you. (I know only because my aunt lives on your street and I noticed your car one day as I drove past)

Small world,

you’ve had your car since 15!@#!@ rock on!!

i live in markham too… i havent seen any 300’s :S…

it’s a condition most asians have…after even the littlest amount of alcohol, in general the asian’s face turns beet red, even though the person is completely sober.

ok, just googled it, and there’s actually a wiki entry for this…

ahhh my asian friends all suffer from this, it’s funny …

um a few white ppl as that i knew have the same symptoms but they turn pink!

haha the asian glow! never heard of that before.

i only got the problem of my eyes going red… but thats not from drinking.

went threw a RIDE programe on monday right after i smoked one and the cop just asked if I had anything to drink, of course i said no (as i just got off work like 30min ago) and he said alright off you go.

even been threw a RIDE prog. when i had a few beers, didnt lie to them said i had a a couple and he said alright, have a good night.
and i drove off, knew i was going be ok because my friend was infront of me and he had more than i did (2 beers within like 3 hrs, nothign, dont even know how much he had) and his car was full of more drunk friends (not that the driver was drunk) but he got threw it just fine.

and i cant bring myself to drink and drive, never would never could. my brother lost his license from it, now he ask me to drive him every where.

I’ve been threw ride a number of times, and it’s been quick and painless, both when I had my S14 and now that I have my I30t.

I’ve only been to one this year, in Jan. I was going to my fiancee’s house just about 1/2 hour after proposing. It was around 12:30 am, and as I was going through the ride check, I stopped the car. Rolled down the window:

Officer: How are you doing? Have you had anything to drink tonight?
Me: No officer. We went out to dinner and -

Officer: (after jumping back, and then laughing for 20 seconds) Have yourself a good night, and good luck buddy!

I was laughing so hard :smiley:

lol yea wasnt even able to drive it wen i got it:D haha

i guess not many out there…theres a few here in brampton tho

thats sum funny stuff lol

ahha, good story!

just got stopped by ride yesterday, quick and painless as usual. Just stuck his head in and asked how i was, then told me to go :stuck_out_tongue:

Shit kurtaceez.
I didn’t see this posted from you. You don’t have a little picture or anything on your name. No tag, so I must’ve overlooked it.
We should have a 300ZX gathering once in a while then. Shorteaz, you and I.

count me in…i love car meets lol

id also love to see kurtaceez zx


went through it a few times. just a quick check. i use to be scared going through with that motor but they just ask have you been drinking and thats it. just get your car looking safe and you should be good. kind of hard not to get noticed with the canadian flag looking car

they asked me if i was driving home drunk in a mcdonalds uniform… u shoulda seen the look i gave him lmao

dammit…its not a canadian flag…

and yeh its very noticeable with the white hood, every cop staring

lol thats jokes